Info grabbing
Phone’s settings. Are you kidding me?!?! No way am I going to all collection of my info, device ID, etc. On Apple, having this setting on means:
“If you give permission for your activity to be tracked, the app can allow information about you or your device collected through the app (for example, a user or device ID, your device's current Advertising Identifier, your name, email address, or other identifying data provided by you) to be combined with information about you or your device collected by third parties or on third party apps, sites or properties. The combined information can be used for purposes of targeted advertising or advertising measurement. The app developer may also choose to share the information with data brokers, which may result in the linking of publicly available and other information about you or your device.” Quoted for iPhone settings.
Not only this but there are game variants that are not explain anywhere. I’ve played American Sheepshead for many years and this Bavarian Sheepshead is very different, with the variants available.
So their response to missing explanation is for me to read the rules. Hello! I am talking about the variations you allow for play. I know the basic rule. I asked about rules of the VARIATIONS.
Their response on the mai issue, having to turn on app sharing because Facebook requires it IS NOT TRUE. I have other games in which I am logged in via Facebook and those other games work without issue. Their response was rude. Why don’t THEY read this in full before trying to chastise me.
Response from developer
Hello, if you dont know the rules you can always use the ingame help. It should be no problem to inform yourself on our platform. As far as app tracking is concerned, this is unfortunately a requirement of Facebook, we have nothing to do with it. If you don't want that, we can convert your profile into an email profile, then you don't have to switch on app tracking. We also communicated that to you. So instead of getting upset here, maybe you should have read our emails properly. Those who can read are always better off. best wishes