User Reviews: LittleHoots

Top reviews

  • Nice but extremely limited canvas options

    I really like the idea and functionality of the App: how easy it is to enter something, how I can keep my kids’ quotes totally private or share them with a group or everyone, how I can save to my Photos. However, the designs to display the quotes are REALLY limited. Even the options for purchase are very limited. You can only buy specific themed design packages, currently only: “birthday” “bedtime” “love” and “turn the page”. How about playground, beach, travel, park, pets, toys, bath, food, etc, etc, etc. But, honestly, even the four available aren’t that exciting. They are in muted colors, with very restrictive organization formats, and only have a couple of font color options. Why can’t I at least use a picture as background for a conversation (just for a quote, and only if you purchase that package)?
    I wish I could choose a blank canvas in all colors, font in all colors, a picture in any size or shape, and maybe a variety of themed stickers to add.
    I print them to add to my kids’ photo albums but hey all look alike. I am debating whether to just create my own from scratch in a photo collage App instead.
  • Please fix this app!

    I absolutely love Little hoots but lately every time I try to use it, something goes wrong. Today, after taking an unusually long time for the app to load, I tried to design a memory but it wouldn't advance to the last screen where I can enter additional information about the memory to show up below it. Instead, it would automatically save the memory when I pressed “use this design” only it wouldn’t actually save because it completely disappeared. I tried three times with the same result.

    I also can’t edit a memory at all. I tried to do this several times and nothing happens. Please fix!!
  • Must have app if you have kids!

    This is one of my favorite apps. It took me some time to get used to the updates, and I miss the old designs, but i like that they did give credit for all the old ones I’ve purchased and i am hopeful they will release more designs in the future. It is great to be able to have a trusted place to keep all the cute things my kids say in one place. I loved that the quotes are preserved as photos and are easily added to the digital scrapbooks i make my kids.

    At one point I thought the app lost my quotes. Customer service was amazing! They responded quickly with solutions, and I was able to solve my issue quickly. All quotes were safe and sound!
  • Best Family Memory App

    I’ve tried a bunch of memory apps for my kids and this is the best! I love the unique way it captures quotes and stories as well as your photos. With each update they keep improving and can’t wait for all the new things they have coming. Also they have a really nice product store and great way to share memories with family without social media but also with! Best of both worlds! I can save everything in here and just post a few things to social media as I choose!
  • No more crashes! It's better than ever!

    After email and social media apps, LittleHoots is hands down THE MUST HAVE APP for me! I love the purpose, simplicity, ease of use and the designers' continual work to make the app better and better! Many reviews mention app crashing, which did occur after the initial launch of 2.0, but I've experienced ZERO crashes for the last few months and I use this app several times a week. I recommend this app to ANYONE who has children or works with children! You think you'll never forget that hilarious/sweet/insightful thing your child said, but I go back through my LittleHoots from years ago and read things that I had completely forgotten my son had said. To me, this app is priceless! A+++++++
  • Was so much better before the update - please bring back old features

    This app was amazing before the update.
    It was so customizable. You could select from a huge number of fonts, colors, change the size and position of the text as best suited your needs.
    Now, there are hardly any design packs, only a three-to-four font options for each design (and the "set-up" block of text has different options than the actual quote part). Only four color options for each block of text.

    It was the best app before - I recommended it to literally everyone I knew who had kids, and also random people I met if they mentioned they had little ones.

    The massive customization possibilities were what made the app so amazing, and it made it fun to create the hoots.

    Now the interface isn't as intuitive, and the options are seriously lacking. It makes me not want to use it because I know I can't quickly make something in just a few minutes like I used to be able to do.

    Please, PLEASE bring back the old usability and customization options of the old app... some how. It was my favorite app! And now I hardly ever use it. :(
  • Priceless memories held hostage :(

    The update now has no 'save to camera roll option.' Instead it expects you to purchase books through them. Big fat rip off if you'd been lovingly, faithfully recording your child's worldview using this app, happily unsuspecting that the update will take away the option to privately save, and instead hold your work hostage in favor of buying a book. It also has created yet another silly social network for you to try to keep up with and 'game-ified' cuteness competition, when, let's be real, people: nothing anybody else's child says is cute or entertaining. Only your own child is funny. Stop wasting my time.

    I won't use this app ever again. I can create cute quotes that I can access at any time, and use for whatever purpose I like, with better, more streamlined photo edit apps.
  • Every Parent NEEDS This App!

    I love this app. In fact, I'm obsessed. My toddler is hilarious & when I share her hilarity with friends, they always tell me "You need to write that down for when she's older." but let's face it, sometimes that's not convenient. Not only does this make it hugely convenient to keep track of the cute things your kids say while you're rushing through life, but you can turn the cute sayings into keepsakes like mugs or magnets too! It's just great & extremely easy to use. I can't say enough great things about it.
  • Such a great app!

    I have tried so many things to keep record of the cute things my kids say. I have baby books (of course), random notebooks, notes kept in my phone etc. and none of them have given me the feeling that I will really have the record for very long. This app is so great because I have my phone on me at all times and I can combine snapshots of my kids to their funny, cute, sad and straight up weirdo quotes. The option to print them onto keepsakes makes it that much better! Best app for any mom...or dad, caretaker, grandma, etc!
  • Couple fixes

    I love the idea of this app but it's execution leaves some to be desired. First, if I switch which style I'd like to use I have to reselect the photo I want each time, instead of just picking the tile that works best with the photo I know I'm going to use. Second, my phones keyboard covers the whole bottom of the screen when editing the info for a tile, the page won't scroll and the keyboard won't drop down which makes selecting the next line impossible. Third, there is no way to edit a tile once it has been saved. To make corrections the only way to do so is to delete the tile and start over. And lastly, save doesn't always work. I've had to hit the save button 3 or 4 times sometimes before it will actually save to my feed. Again, cute idea, but fix some of these issues and it will be much more functional.

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