User Reviews: Super Slowmo Shooter

Top reviews

  • Not very well made

    This game is a rip-off of the of game superhot, with the same mechanics but just done right. This game should be free, the game is buggy and obviously very little effort was actually put into the development of the game, the games walls all have cracks in them and once you shoot and enemy they fall over no great mechanics of them flying from the impact of the bullet, iPhones have evolved to a point where they are able to process actually physics in games. Now, besides the death animation for all enemies being the same. The game has a horrible menu, once you complete a level it takes you back to the title screen where you go in and select the next level, a pretty tedious task for every level complete.
  • Not worth the 99¢

    So I was going into this game thinking it would be vaguely close to the PC version. It didn't disappoint but there are only 10 levels. Either please update this (to the makers) or (to the readers of this review) save your money. There's a free flash game online that is basically the same thing but better.
  • Didn't even do it right!

    This is a blatant rip-off of a PC game called Super Hot. Besides the fact that ripping of games is what no-talent money-grabbing tools do, they can't even program it right! I understand less graphics and sound quality, but the entire point of Super Hot was to be accurate! The crosshairs don't work on this game! It ruins it! Just please fix it... You already got you're money. Also people, don't buy this expecting a game as good as Super Hot, which is amazing on PC.
  • I don't rate many apps...

    I don't rate many apps. But this one is a special exception. I would've paid 9.99 for this exceptional game (if a developer is reading please make more).

    The concept is revolutionary and I've never seen anything like it before. Time stands still if you're not moving your character allowing you time to aim and plan out your path. An incredible combination of turn-based strategy and first person shooters.

    While the characters and environment are not detailed, the minimalist approach allows you ultra precision when controlling time and you navigate waves of bullets to eliminate the targets. Don't judge the game from screenshots. Watch a video or read a gameplay review to understand how amazing and fun this is.
  • Great game. Would recommend

    Great game. A update destroying the glitches would be great and maybe make some more game modes. I would recommend
  • Really fun!

    I love how it's in slow motion, you can see everything happen! This fps is really fun. Even though it's rated 17+ I think it should be rated either 4+ or 9+ (coming from a 12 year old) This game is simple and easy to play. One thing I wish would happen is; more levels, maybe a boss that's big and takes a couple shots to defeat, varieties of guns, game modes such as teams, death match, eat. and maybe multiplayer where you can fight friends. I really love this game. It's fun and simple to play, If you like this game (like me) you should other games (by the same creator) Crafted Battle and Bot Shooter.
  • BEST GAME EVER and PLZ add new things

    This is just like the computer version there are invisible bullet but u can still see them so they are visible the game needs new things like the full computer version it needs like u can slice bullets and be able to jump and other stuff
  • Coolio

    Really cool concept, very buggy towards the later levels. Hope you come out with an update cause this could be so good
  • Invisible bullets and fire rate, fix plz!

    Bullets Are glitching and turning invisible and giving me no time to react ounce they are visible and in my face. Lower the fire rate to on lvl 6 the 3 guys shoot 6 bullets at me at ounce, also my gun fire rate is super slow :P. And last of all straight red lines instead of powder please it's easier to see!
  • Great game: many bugs

    This game has the right idea but bugs such as falling through the map and winning levels automatically make the game less fun

    But yea
    9/10 would recommend

Alternatives to Super Slowmo Shooter