Best news review app from China
This app is a must read if you want to find the latest authentic news and its implications.
APP icon too ugly, may I talk to the designer?
As the title says.
Insighful content
Worth every penny ;)
Really decent articles!
Decent articles, recommended!
Best Chinese news app
This is the very first app that made me go through all the trouble to leave a positive review. The Paper is great both in terms of style and value it created. Like everyone in this day and time I suffer from information overload. All these "brain garbage" from your news app, social network, and even local tv station occupied your memory and emotion to offer you nothing but a headache. Yet the Paper is kind enough to filter out the poison, and it helps you navigate through this vast sea of info and find true value. Thank you, whoever-that-made-it-happen.
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great app for chinese news. one of the best
Very good news app
The Shanghai based newspaper has a very unique point out to you in interpreting news in major events happened in China. It is in concordant with the national standard guidelines of news in China
我想说这就是我苦苦寻找多年的关于新闻的APP 几乎下过所有的新闻App 最讨厌的就是主页面给我来明星八卦的 澎湃真的是在严肃做新闻 该有的样子 本来就是缺少自我思维的时代 再参杂那些质量不好的新闻 简直无法有理性的声音了 很喜欢这款APP 支持
Mr Zhang
Easy to use.
good source for news.
i have used it for a while. It is always the first choice to know what is happening in China.