Hill Cliff Horse User Reviews

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  • Unnerving

    Okay, so, I downloaded this game when I was about 6 years old. I’m back 6 years later just to kinda share how horribly unnerving this game is and why you should try it. Just a teeny little disclaimer, my memory of this game is fairly hazy, but I believe I can properly recall most of this. Anyways, from what I remember, this game is literally entirely shrouded in fog everywhere, so you already can’t see well which gives everything this feeling of immense eerie ness. That’s not NEARLY the worst part, though. In this game, you’re a l o n e. Entirely and utterly alone. Not a single player nor NPC. It radiates mad liminal space vibes. It’s almost like you’re isolated in this horror world with nobody else in it, but even then, you feel like you’re being watched. It’s too foggy to see very far around you, so if some-or someTHING IS watching you, you wouldn’t be aware of it.

    This is not a negative review nor a complain, just a brief personal nostalgia trip for some idiot. Try this out, see just how spooky it can be.
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    So I got this game and it is AMAZING!!! You can customize your horse and even put different modifications! There’s also multiplayer and about 5 maps! But, one time I was doing the king of the hill mini game and someone was CHEATING by just standing on the top. Can you please patch this? Also, maybe you could do quests or add more mini games. (Just a suggestion.) Also, every time a random ad is going to pop up I have to do MATH. Why math? But other than that, if you like rag doll games and horse games, I really recommend this one. This games deserves 5 star ratings.
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  • Thank you.

    I may never know if the creator of this game will read this but I don’t mind if they don’t, years back I would play this game for hours on end and roleplay with people and it was honestly the most fun I had ever had in my life. This game gave me so many good memories that I’ll look back on every now and then. I don’t have any suggestions as I’m sure this game will never be updated again so I’ll just leave with this, thank you, thank you so much for this game and the wonderful memories it has left me with. <3
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  • Pretty good

    Ok listen I don’t even like horses but this game is still good...my only problem is the math problems about every 5-10 minutes...it gets annoying after a while I have an idea the improve on this how about you need something like a parent password so that is enough permission to play multiplayer also the math is VERY easy so basically ages 7+ can get it easy. This is a light complaint but that we are on the chat genre I would like discuss that the chat filter needs a LOT of work some are by passing it and it is sometimes annoying but not really all I am saying is I really hope you improve some more and take some of my ideas into mind for keeps :) otherwise great job on the game although I would advise some more important things and features to be added such as variations in types of horse or something like that all we need is something new but take your time it always goes better if you do 🙂 also I am really impressed with the game just go easy on the math and fix the chat a little more or have an admin down every now and again :) really appreciate your effort and that’s all I would love to rate 5 though I really hope you can get to this soon or acknowledge my statement thanks!

    Signed: OpalDrawz
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  • Well.....

    Ok I love horses for starters I wanted a horse game beause I like horses when I found it I was like finally a game that. I might like I opened it up and was like MATH??!??! why I am no good at math and horse game I don’t hear math in horse game and once I got the math issues out and away i was on and I HATED it it made no sense and the chat box REALLY I couldn’t understand it at all and so after that I started to run around FYI the lighting on the game for me is AWFULL I am sorry of all the things that I am saying to you but and and PLEASE FIX THE WIERD CHAT BOX I DONT UNDERSTAND IT any way I am so sorry that I am saying this stuff again it’s just not my game the only reason I gave it 3 stars was u guys worked hard on making it and I have to give u that credit , sincerely horse lover ❤️🐴
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  • Ummmmmm.........

    I sort of think the game is kind of ok. Let’s start with that. Only, the whole “do this math problem to make sure you aren’t a kid” thing, is, well, speaking as a kid, anybody with a calculator or a second grade diploma can answer THOSE math questions. You could try: “ type in your restrictions passcode to verify permission”. Or Something like that. Because at this point you’re just making it a little more difficult for kids to get online. Also, there’s NOTHING to do on this app but change the horse, and barrel into things. NOTHING. No predators to fight. You can’t level up. What’s the point? I’ve had this game, well..... not even a full day and I’m already BORED. The graphics are nice though. I really like the graphics. Also, what’s with the barrier around the world? And can’t there be an AUTO camera view thingy? Why manual? ITS SO DIFFICULT! I could be running (as the horse obviously) and i’d go to change the camera view thingy, and it would mess me up, then I would have to start all over again. I’m done. Please put missions or something to do on here. Otherwise I’m deleting. 😒😒😒
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  • :3

    Hi there! 😀 Would y’all please make it to where we can have wings that actually make us fly? If so thank you 🙏
    Plus, I think there should be new horse coats, manes/tails, trails, accessories, decorations, and some new iStar horses to do like little missions...
    Also, I think that there should be an accessory shop, with hats 🧢, eyes 👀, pets! 🦔, wings that look like pegasus wings, and a lot more accessories... ⚠️ BUT WE GET TO CUSTOMIZE OUR CHARACTER HOWEVER BEFORE THE ACCESSORY SHOP IS AVAILABLE.!!! ⚠️
    Our characters could have different body styles: Arabian, Clydesdale, Shire, Quarter, Thoroughbred, Friesian, etc... we also should be able to CHOOSE witch body style to choose...
    Welp, thank you for reading this!!! 😊 I Love this game so much!!!
    ⚠️ WAIT, I’m not done yet ⚠️. In the chat it should have a more cleaner font so other people could read it. Also, we should be able to have a friends menu, add friends, and chat with them in the menu when they are in a different world 🌎 🌍... Now thank you for reading this!! 👋 👋 😁😃☺️
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  • Best animal sim ever!

    You guys made a awesome game! I don’t like animal sim games but my friend had this game and told me about it so I downloaded the game and I was a little worried that the game was going to be dumb but I first played it the game was soooooo fun!!! I love how you took the rag doll and Physics into a animal game!! But the math in this is totally pointless. I know how to do the math without a garden. So maybe you should put something better for a parental lock. And the second earth dose not work. It says that I need a update but the update was a year ago! So can you plz fix this bug??? But every thing else is grate!!!!!!! Thank you so much for making this game. And maybe add some more to the game??????? That would be awesome! Grate game guys! Keep it up!!!
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  • Awesome game but why math

    Don’t get me wrong, this game is really nice and I think they did a good job making it. But the math questions... why math? What if there’s like an 8 yr old playing and they know the answer? It’s not like they will go to their parent. Plus, you could just use a calculator. The math is useless, it just gets people more angry or annoyed. And what if someone was doing an rp with their friend? Then they have to answer math questions, deal with an add and then tell their friend that there was an add. I think that there shouldn’t any math problems but if they don’t take down the math, they should only make ONE with NO ADDS. It’s annoying!!! Plus the chat filter is HORRIBLE. I’ve seen people doing some weird stuff and we need a better chat filter. Plus if people buy a font you can still say curse words. I also don’t like how if you put a coma, like for example “I’m going to eat” it makes the coma an õ when you say it. I’ve been playing this game for 2 years and never really thought about this stuff since I was a child. Please try fixing it, thank you- Привет
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  • A few problems...

    Listen, it’s a really great game. I think it has a lot of potential. But on the chat people were saying curse words and talking about sexual stuff. I saw someone else also had this problem. Also, the security system with the math stuff, I really don’t like that. I’m only on Christmas Break for a few more days. I don’t need to be constantly reminded that I’m about to enter Heck On Earth in the form of math class. It also gets boring after a while. I played this game for a long time looking for new stuff, but I saw it all pretty quickly. If you could add a few more additions like other animals to battle or stuff. Also, this just feels like another Goat Simulator knockoff. Instead of goats, it’s super customizable horses. But I see the same idea is still there. Last but not least, the horse was really hard to move. The running was either too fast or too slow, and the look button made turning really hard. I tried first person view. But that just made it worse. Thank you for reading this. Sorry if it was a little lengthy. I would be thrilled if you would take my comments into consideration. Again, thank you. This really is a great game, just needs a few tweaks.
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