Hello there is one thing that I do notice on the sides no matter which this one or others there are a lot of fake people on here there are a lot of pictures that do not represent the person behind the ad or post or whatever and a lot of people whoever they are ask for money they asked for iTunes cards and various other things and they should be terminated off of this site permanently!
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It’s been 4 days and my profile picture still hasn’t been approved. Whyyy
Wait time
As far as stars I’m not entirely sure on my stand point, but why does it take so long for my profile to be “approved by a moderator”? Like that really doesn’t make any sense
Pointless how to chat?
Very pointless no chat to no one well me unsure how to
How do I download the other 2 apps by this developer?
How do I download the other 2 apps by this developer?
New update constantly erases profile chat does not work. Big fail
New chat system
Can anyone tell me how to use this new chat? I keep getting the “new message received” notification but there isn’t anywhere for me to check the messages. I like the app and the new update but I can’t figure out this new chat system
What are the coins for?
Kik Friends
Conceptually good app but deletes users for no apparent reason. Even posting family friendly pics can get you deleted with no reason given.
Don’t bother
This app is full of bots and people trying to get money from you. 99% of the faces you see in the app are not the actual person you are talking to. It’s a total sham.