Funivia Erice

Funivia Erice

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All Versions of Funivia Erice


March 23, 2024

Aggiornamento tecnico librerie


July 2, 2023

Aggiornamento tariffa ordinaria solo andata dal 3 luglio 2023 Ordinary rates update from 3rd july 2023


June 18, 2023

Aggiornamento tariffa ordinaria A/R a partire dal 19/06/23 Ordinary Round Trip rate update from 2023-06-19


April 18, 2023

Aggiornamento tecnico app funivia trapani erice


March 28, 2023

Aggiornamento tecnico in vista dei nuovi orari di apertura che saranno pubblicati presto. / Technical update in view of the new opening hours which will be published soon.


July 14, 2022

Aggiornamento urgente orari dal 14 luglio 2022 / Timetable updated from 14/07/22


July 9, 2022

Modifica orari estivi 2022 / summer 2022 timetables updated


July 4, 2022

Aggiornamento e rettifica orari estate 2022 / Summer 2022 timetable updated


June 25, 2022

Aggiornamento orari estate 2022 / Summer 2022 timetables update


April 12, 2022

Aggiornamento orari 2022 / Timetables 2022 updated

Price History of Funivia Erice

Description of Funivia Erice

La funivia è sicuramente il miglior mezzo per raggiungere la vetta del monte Erice, comoda e veloce, percorre il tragitto in soli 10 minuti con una bellissima vista panoramica su Trapani e le Isole Egadi. L' impianto è costituito da una telecabina automatica monofune, nella quale i veicoli a 8 posti vengono agganciati automaticamente alla fune portante-traente, chiusa ad anello e dotata di moto continuo unidirezionale. L' impianto comprende le seguenti stazioni: Una stazione di rinvio – tensione posta a 40mt (slm), dotata di rotaia per il collegamento con il magazzino posto al livello sotterraneo. Una stazione motrice posta a 703 mt (slm) con argano motore e gruppi di emergenza sistemati sotto il piano di imbarco. L'impianto è provvisto di illuminazione notturna, per esercire durante le ore notturne è dotato di cabine predisposte all'imbarco dei disabili e cabine per imbarco biciclette. The cableway is the best mean to reach the summit of Erice mountain. It is comfortable and fast and it covers the way in just 10 minutes with a beautiful panoramic view of Trapani and the Egadi Islands. The system operates a single cable rotating on a loop on which 8-seat cable cars are attached, moving with unidirectional continuous motion. The Trapani-Erice cableway includes two stations: The lower station is located in Trapani at about 40 meters above sea level and has a rail to move vehicles in and out of the cable from an underground warehouse. The upper drive station rises at 703 meters above sea level and is equipped with engine hoist and emergency units placed under the boarding floor. The plant is equipped with night lighting to be operated in the dark as well as with special vehicles for people with disabilities and for bicycles.
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Funivia Erice: FAQ

Is the software for Funivia Erice compatible with iPads?

Yes, Funivia Erice can be used on an iPad.
Francesco Genovese is the developer of the app.
The Funivia Erice app currently supports iOS 12.0 or later.
There are no ratings available for Funivia Erice at the moment.
The Primary Genre Of The Funivia Erice App Is Travel.
7 is the most recent version of the Funivia Erice app.
The most recent update for Funivia Erice was released on June 28, 2024.
The release date of the app was on February 6, 2023.
Contains graphic violence, sexual content, or drug use, suitable for adults only.
You can use the Funivia Erice app in English.
No, Funivia Erice is not on Apple Arcade.
No, Funivia Erice does not integrate in-app purchases for users.
No, Funivia Erice does not support compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Screenshot of Funivia Erice


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