Something is off...
I love to play this game because of how it reminds me of my childhood, but I hated how the dad looked I mean come on HIS FACE GIVES ME NIGHTMARES AND ITS SCARED ME THE LIFE WHEN I SAW THE DAD AFTER LIKE I don’t know like 2-6 YEARS AND WHERE IS GROWN UP HAZEL LIKE SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE IS 4-6 YEARS OLD AND SHE MUST BE NOW LIKE 23-40 YEARS OLD NOW!!!! I love it but WE NEED THE LOGIC!!! Sorry if you think it’s “change the crying” or “The laugh is making me afraid” BUT I THINK THOSE TWO ARE JUST LITTLE PROBLEMS, THE BIGGER PROBLEM IS THAT WE NEED THE LOGIC TO MAKE IT WORK, EVEN THOUGH I AM A BIGGER AGE RIGHT NOW (Can’t tell you my age) SO PLEAEE JUST PLEASE CHANGE THE DAD AND MAKE GAMES FOR 6-9 FOR HAZEL LIKE HAZEL IS NOW 12 YEARS OLD BECAUSE I WANT THAT SO BADLY!!! So hear these creators and this will make you games better.
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Good but needs improvements
It is very good for 4-7 year old kids but just change the crying tone of her please.
Is the fun game!
Baby hazel is fun game! It is good for growing childs! I recommend 1 hour of baby hazzle a day.
ugh!!!! this game drives nuts
This game is so awesome
This game is so awesome everyone should play it