iKeywi User Reviews


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  • Slow keyboard responds

    Auto correct needs to be improved. Very slow keyboard respond when using. Very hard to type using it.
  • Useless

    I bought this to get my swipe selection back, as well as shocase option.
    This makes the keyboard to small first. Predictive keyboard is english only... Needs to be updated to find it's way to the App Store!
  • Don't buy

    Waste of money. Auto correct is diabolical compared to stock keyboard. The keyboard sometimes doesn't come up at all and also the cursor keeps flying off elsewhere when typing. Deleted within five minutes.
  • Long overdue

    Once the bugs are ironed out this will be absolutely huge i have been using this for years and i love it and miss it so much when I get my new phone every year, its about time this made it to the app store and once you have it you will not want to get rid of it, it makes your life so much easier using the keyboard and with being able to drag your finger across your keyboard to move your cursor to anywhere in your text to correct mistakes is awesome #iKeywirules
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  • Great idea, needs some improvement.

    I have been searching for s 5th row keyboard. Problem is it shrinks the other keys, not stretching. I keeps making typos.

    The other problem it does not do predictive next word like in the regular keyboard. It does predictive for the current word but no choices for other words or next word.

    Hopefully an update will sort these out. Until then I have to keep using the regular one.
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  • Great potential but needs updating

    This app has a great potential, but needs updating to look more like the default keyboard, and maybe add a permanently dark keyboard and also a permanently white keyboard for extra customisation, good app in all though, once it's updated it should be worth the money. Great work though!
  • Good concept, very buggy

    If your waiting for Swipeselection to be released and think this might fill that void in the meantime, keep waiting. The keyboard is very buggy, even in the latest release.

    -The swiping to move the cursor works but:
    -you cannot turn off text prediction even if it's turned off in the main keyboard settings.

    -autocorrect does not work as well as it usually does with this keyboard installed

    -you cannot turn off the 5th row of keys. I get this is the point of this keyboard but it makes the keys too small.

    The end result for me is slower typing with more errors due to the smaller keys and lack of autocorrect. The ability to swipe to move the cursor is a great feature but isn't worth all the bugs that comes with this keyboard.
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  • Still needs work

    I use this tweak once I've jailbroken my phone, this is good to see in the App Store but has some bugs to get rid of and needs to get rid of the predictive section it's a waste of space.
  • Perfect but...

    The best one but please put option for turn off predyction bar...
  • Great but...!

    I really love this keyboard but i wish there is Arabic support, please add the Arabic support and i will give it a 5 star. Also please add the ability to remove the fifth row, i only want the swiping feature.

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