User Reviews: Clear Outside

Clear Outside
Clear Outside
First Light Optics Ltd

Top reviews

  • Still needs work

    I’ve been using this application for years & will continue to do so, but if the bug & features reviewed here were actually fixed/implemented, I would actually pay for this app! It absolutely MUST have the longitude bug sorted, and for a C/F temp toggle. The Location search is terribly fickle - nothing like searching for a place & seeing a dozen identical results - “Chicago, Chicago, United States; Chicago, Chicago, United States; Chicago, Chicago, United States...” - all with presumably different coordinates.
  • Good weather, bad UI

    The weather predictions are very good but the UI has some serious issues. Adding locations for example is really hit or miss- the search function is super limited and janky, and adding places by coordinates literally doesn’t work.
  • Excellent and Accurate!

    I don’t know why the low reviews. This weekend, it told me that there was a narrow 4 hour window of sunshine and clear skies near the South Fork of the Snake. It permitted me to miss days of coming clouds and nail some autumn foliage when I was free to shoot. This is really, really useful! I hope that it keeps being developed!
  • Promising but dated app

    This app was designed for smaller iOS devices and hasn’t been updated for modern, larger iPhones. When, for example, I open it on a iPhone X Max, I get a black bar at the top and bottom of my display, not availing itself of the full screen.

    To make the app avail itself of the full screen would is a fairly trivial change and the fact that this hasn’t been done suggests that this iOS app may have been neglected for the past few years.

    The app works, but is a tad outdated.
  • Need work

    This developers website works well and is useful. So I downloaded this app onto my iPad and am disappointed. Firstly it isn’t truly built for the iPad. So the screen is built for the phone and doesn’t even pretend to use the entire screen. Secondly when I attempt to enter coordinates I can’t enter the longitude of the observatory because there is no negative sign or field to allow me to indicate the longitude is West. So wanting to evaluate sites in the West I can’t use the app. I’ll be deleting the app and sticking to the website. At least it was free.
  • Not accurate

    Regarding forecasting, in the NYC area...this app is way off. Anyone can look outside for current cloud coverage, but for future...this app isn’t accurate. I realize weather is unpredictable but then why make an app?

    Stick with other weather apps
  • Wrongly shows 0% cloud under cloudy skies

    Over the past couple of days, the app gave a forecast for tonight (USA location) of zero cloud cover after sunset, which means zero percent of the sky should be cloudy. Right now the app is still showing the present time (a couple of hours after sunset) as zero cloud cover. But when I go outside, 50% of the sky is cloudy. This isn’t the first time this has happened. The whole point of the app is to know the prospects for shooting the night sky, so I’m disappointed.

    When the sky is 0% cloudy, the app shows 0% as expected.
  • Good when it works

    This is a great idea, but the execution is absolutely horrible. Next to no locations appear when I search cities, states, or anything. So when I go to manually enter gps coordinates it won’t let me put in a negative longitude (I’m pretty sure all North America is negative) so it’s absolutely useless. Occasionally the search will work and I’ll get good results, but it’s about a 1% chance the location search feature works.
  • Can’t edit longitude (but can edit latitude)

    A very handy app with some weird bugs. Biggest problem is that editing locations allows one to edit the latitude, BUT NOT THE LONGITUDE!

    Tapping on longitude brings up a numeric keypad (just like with latitude), but keypresses do nothing and the iPhone just buzzes an error. Completely limits tweaking custom locations!

    It’s free, though.
  • Problems but still a decent app

    This is a good app for photographers. Paired with an app like Photo Pills one can get a reasonable estimate of conditions for landscape photography.

    The problem with the app is that the developer isn’t very responsive. A comment was made a year ago about the inability to change the temperature from Centigrade to Fahrenheit and it hasn’t been implemented. I guess with Brexit they haven’t had the time to make a rather simple improvement.

    Plus the documentation is totally lacking. I had to read the reviews to finally figure out how to change the default home location from the U.K. To my home in the U.S.

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