Requires a reminder for every entry in your menu. Favorites list, which I very much would like to try, I don’t seem to find. Perhaps it’s under Bookmarks. Both menu and bookmark sections include Main Course as a single entity. Thing is, I don’t always want the same combination. And there’s no way to mix and match. I can list Meatloaf and green beans as a main course, then weeks later I wish to serve meatloaf with corn and have to list it separately. The main course is often a combination of a main item and one or more sides. Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans for example. That’s actually 3 items. I’d like to be able to see that my family likes mashed potatoes with brown gravy but not with cream gravy. Seems like that’s what the favorites would be for. And more limiting us the timer. I don’t want or need a timer for each course. And the main course, being a group item, is often not prepared all at once. I need to start the meatloaf much sooner than the corn. Requiring one, and only one, timer is worse than useless. It obscures the timers I actually do need. If someone sticks with one pot meals all cooked at the same time, great. Others, I don’t see any advantage over a text document. The “meat and two veg” model for the main course is still quite common. While I by no means believe that everyone does or should follow this model, it seems common enough that I expect an app to support it. Which this one does. Without the ability to handle sides as separate entities, this app is not helpful. And with the simultaneously mandatory and limit timer feature, much frustration is added. In shorty, this app has nothing to offer me and I’ll be deleting.
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