DingDing User Reviews

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Top reviews

  • Excessive Heating Issue with the Didi App on iPhone 15 Pro Max

    I have been experiencing significant overheating issues with the latest version of the Didi app on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. Whenever I use the app for video calls, voice chats, or participating in conferences, my device starts to heat up abnormally. This excessive heating not only affects the performance but also has a negative impact on the overall user experience.
  • Garbage

    This app is garbage. I am forced to use this because my school administration set this up for our online lessons during our most recent lockdowns, here in China. The APP freezes constantly, the audio is delayed, and the video feed freezes constantly too. I can not share files in the APP without the APP freezing or crashing. IO can not share my screen without the APP crashing either. This APP deserves this and all of he 1 star reviews. If you can avoid it, please do so. Use something else.
  • Never use this evil app! It will ruin you!

    When I open this app, it always ask me do you want share your position? If I choose NO, I cant use it. Besides, this app even encourage boss or the manager to monitor employees’ privacy. When a message comes, the app will let you awake even if ur sleeping. How disturbing! And what I cant tolerate is that I found the app might copy my contacts without my confirm or agree! Terrible! Never trust this app, you will have a 24-7 spy once you download and use it!
  • Frustrating

    I’m not a huge fan of the app but work insists. With the last update I’m even more frustrated. Now I’m not always getting notifications when messages or someone tags me in things. If I use screen share in the voice conferences, I can’t see what Others are seeing. Not sure why but sounds will be fine with every other program but as soon as I use the dingtalk calls... everything is quiet and I have to turn my sounds up from the 20s range to nearly full blast. And it’s only with the calls in dingtalk. Any other program it’s fine.
  • Just downloaded, already a hassle

    This app is as bad as the many other reviews say it is, for the said reasons. At first I assumed the bad reviews are a joke, but now that I’m using it, the vast majority are very accurate. One thing I would like to add, aside from the numerous permission requests you are constantly bombarded with, is that they lock the search after maybe 6-10 tries. I was trying to find my company on DingTalk, as they require it. But using initials comes up as “too short” for a search and the full name doesn’t return any results. What is the point of a search feature that doesn’t have anything but an exact match? And why should I get locked out for searching for a name? Why not have security on the other end, wait for the admin of your group to allow you to join? Illogical, clumsy, and a hassle. Just a pathetic excuse for an app.
  • Horrible

    First of all the app started to glitch and it also started to send stuff to random people and it was creepy like so creepy I don’t even know who they are uhhhh😰😰😰 it’s so scary very scary and I wanna see you later in my day I am just asking if I can still get the kids to come to get me my dog toys for us to get her dog toys and toys in her dog and then she will get them out and get her to come home so she could go with me to the school and get them out to the dog and get her to go pick them out I will pick y’all around like I gotta I don’t want them going back and then they are just like oh dang yeah yeah hey that’s why am going back and then I’ll be there so you know how to much bye love you send pictures so yeah guys that’s why I don’t like this app because it’s horrible
  • For the homies in China

    The fitness gram pacer test is an aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A singe lap should be completed after you hear this sound- ding. Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word stat. On your mark, get ready...... Start!
  • Such a Bad app

    According to all known laws of aviation, there is no a bee should be able to fly. It’s wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.
    Yellow, Black. Yellow, Black. Yellow, Black. Yellow, Black. OoH, Black and yellow! Let’s Shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Coming! Hang on a second. Hello?
    - Barry?
    - Adam?
    -Can you believe this is happening?
    -I can’t. I’ll pick you up
    Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry I’m excited. Here’s the graduate. We’re very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B’s. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here.
    - You got lint on your fuzz.
    - Ow! That’s me!
    - Wave to us! We’ll be in row 118,000.
    - Bye!
    Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!
    - Hey Adam.
    - Hey, Barry.
    - Is that fuzz gel?
    - A Little. Special day, graduation

    You really thought I would write the whole script?
    LOL but This app is trash don‘t get
  • This app was just overall glitchy and bad

    I personally hated this app and, as a matter of fact, would have rated it lower than one star if that were possible. I hated it for a number of reasons. One, it kept glitching and bringing me back to my home screen. Reinstalling the app did not work. Two, the interface looks horrific. It looks as if it was made in 2010, which would not be a bad thing... if it was 2010. I strongly request that this app get taken off the App Store immediately. Any app with 1.3 stars deserves to get taken down the App Store. Overall I just hated it.
  • Horrible

    Online school seemed exciting at first but after getting this app I was very disappointed, the user interface is awful and it is very hard to understand how to set everything up, it’s also extremely hard to talk with teachers as whenever I try to send a message it takes another 30 minutes until it finally sends, and I have gotten in trouble countless times after being accused of ignoring them while I was waiting for my message to finally send

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