User Reviews: Piloteer

Fixpoint Productions Ltd.

Top reviews

  • Fix the birds plz

    It seemed like a nice environmental effect when first I noticed the birds. However by the 3rd area there are 10+ birds on screen at any time and colliding with them produces physics so unpredictable you would swear they're procedurally generated. The game comes across as an unholy combination of Lunar Lander and Happy Wheels. Still there's something charming about it I didn't totally hate it. I'm still stuck on the very last land on everything mission b/c birds.
    Update: birds were addressed score upgraded.
  • Great game!!!!!!

    I love rag doll and also super hard games. Get it!
  • I get it now

    Fun, funky, cool game. Interesting to see where this goes.

    I love this app! It is so much fun to play the missions, which are frustrating, but keep you going. I also love how you can swap controls if it is too hard to fly.
  • One word: unique!

    There's something about the aesthetics and music in this game that doesn't have any equivalents elsewhere. It's one of two games that I always show to my friends whenever I wanna convey the message that i have peculiar tastes. It's just delightfully different.
  • Plz Read Devs.

    This game is a challenging, fun game. I love it. The things is I want more characters. Like a person wearing a pony suit would be AWESOME. It would be cool if you added levels to. That's all I want. Besides that plz add more jet packs. Ok I'm done.😂
  • Very challenging, very rewarding.

    The game is hard as anything, but very rewarding when you beat each goal. It's kind of like QWOP with flying. It's great. Play it.
  • Awesome!

    This game is awesome! I know there are some people out there that say that the controls are hard, or that there are too many birds, but I personally think it is fine. Those people who hate the game are rage quitters. They give up, just because they can't beat a level within five tries. I do not recommend this game to people who rage quit a lot. If you don't know what rage quit means, it means pretty much what I just said. It is someone who quits a game because he gets mad from not being able to do something. Now , getting back on topic, this game is sort of a free roam, to an extent. You can go anywhere you want within the given boundaries. There are three maps that you unlock by completing levels. The controls are a bit tricky, but you will get used to them. Pretty much all you do is fly around with your jet pack and complete missions. Apparently your character is a girl but it doesn't make a difference to me. I still love the game. In conclusion, I love this game, and I highly recommend you to get it.
  • Insanely difficult

    This game is tough. You may see a lot of people complain about the controls, but they are not a problem. Play for about an hour and you will get the hang of them. Soon you will be amazed that you can complete missions you thought were impossible. My main complaint is that in a game with so many difficult challenges, the physics aren't always consistent. If you need to land on 20 objects in 30 seconds, you need to touch and go. Sometimes the touch will count, sometimes it won't. Other times you will get stuck to the object and blast off in the wrong direction entirely. Very frustrating. The game itself is quite good and was clearly designed to be difficult. The developer should know how many times I've cursed his name while playing this. More content would be great. I'm currently at rank Platinum Aviator!
  • What you've done is TRULY amazing

    I just wanted to say, the use of black characters is honestly so incredible. Being a white person, I've never really noticed that almost all characters in video games are white by default. But by using black characters, I actually noticed the difference. And this made me realize how important this is. I don't know, maybe the app developers with white characters are also white and want a virtual version of themselves. It doesn't matter. The use of black characters, in my opinion, is very important. I LOVE THAT!

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