1. Superhero names
The option to name hero’s or villains
2. Further customization for default users
I think that the “un-premium” customization aren’t enough, but that might be just me
3. Customization for already saved characters
The ability to change characters that you have already saved in your gallery
4. Versus battle
I think “un-premium” users should be able to insert at least one hero/villain in for the cons test a day, week, or month(if so, preferably more than 1)
5. A databank for characters
If that makes sense, but basically be able to name, (again) affiliate to a team, or even give them powers: either from a list of them, (maybe with pictures) or be able to type them in. (or both!)
If you add ALL of these, I would deeply appreciate it, and It would truly help me with my mental capacity for ideas, especially for my stories. I don’t just want to name things that you (the game devs) don’t have in your game, but what you could add that could actually help me, and maybe even others, so if you do end up adding any of these, I will definitely use them, so thank you in advance.
Jackson Kellogg