Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Don’t waste your time

    I’ve been playing since this game’s early days as a pure F2P and the game has recently become so power hungry that F2P players can hardly keep up anymore. The cycle is you get the new exclusive units and those units help you earn more points in the events that are released for those units in order to get prizes that aren’t that rewarding. Then in a week or two, they do the same thing again. But you have literally no time to save up for enough pulls. It’s a GACHA game. You are relying on luck to pull for these exclusive units. If you don’t, too bad. Another batch is coming in a week and you saved… 20 gems. One pull is 50 gems. And getting that exclusive unit could take you 15 pulls. Oh and they don’t release just one exclusive unit at a time. They release like 3 of them. So you have to have enough gems for maybe 40 pulls to get them all. Of course, you could stockpile gems and not pull. But then you would be missing out on the rewards from the events because the new units are point boosters. And the cycle will continue.
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  • Bandai is out of touch with the player base

    Bandai continues to not listen to the voices and concerns of the player base and continues to do things to make the game worse. Nobody liked treasure map, but they added super treasure map… They changed this recent kizuna to have the Hiyori skulls to be only in box 6 and 7 making you have to farm a lot more and having boosters is already hard enough to get/find. They continue to release new banners but have no way to get the gems to pull for these new units. Then they have new content specifically for these new units making the new unit that came out 2 weeks ago obsolete. They brought back Garp challenge, but it’s only a 1 time clear that doesn’t reset for only 2 multis, when the guarantee step is 30 multis. How are players suppose to grind gems when the game gives you nothing? The game has been stuck in a horrible loop of: new banner-> treasure map-> another new banner-> kizuna and loop. There isn’t any interesting/ engaging content anymore, they just want you to pull for these units for each individual content which is annoying. They need to start listening to players else I don’t know how this game will continue to last…
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  • Fun but in dire need of an overhaul

    Treasure cruise is fun. It's core gameplay is easy to understand, the art and animations are really cool, and it's a nice, chill game that's perfect for those who don't want a really action heavy game like bounty rush.

    However, this game, in it's current state, is deeply flawed. Being a gacha, you have to summon for new units. However, the rates are seriously not great. Typically, a new unit's rate is 0.25%, which is absolutely abysmal. You're typically not going to get a new unit unless you go to pity. Additionally, the game's premium currency, rainbow diamonds, are not easy to get and you are heavily encouraged to spend money. This game's UI is also incredibly confusing and quite frankly very ugly. Treasure cruise is 10 years old now and it still has the aspect ratio of a phone from 2014. There's also way too many upgrade systems and different upgrade currencies to keep track of, which can feel incredibly intimidating to new players.

    Although the list of bad seemed really bad, this game is fun. It's good heavily outweighs it's flaws, and if you play during a big celebration (such as the currently ongoing 10th anniversary campaign at time of writing), you can easily get tons and tons of rewards. Give this a shot if you're a One Piece fan.
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  • Poor rates

    It’s impressive, really. How can the rates be so awful? Like, absurdly awful. If I’m lucky, I’ll get 1 of the banner characters after 15 multis. I am not exaggerating when I say that. This game is definitely deceptive in its pull rates for characters. It boggles my mind that the BANNER character does not have a boosted rate. Honestly, I’ve lost a lot of interest in the game because of how disappointing pulling for characters is. Every single time I pull, I just end up feeling defeated and regretful. Sure, the game has some good content, but a lot of it has become too repetitive for me, and way too difficult. As others have said, if you don’t pull on the event banners, and somehow actually get one of the banner characters, you’re really in for a rough time to try and compete or even succeed at acquiring the event rewards.

    I give this game 1 star, and I’m truly surprised that this game has such a high rating… I’ve been playing for 3 years, and at first I enjoyed this game, I still do at times, but something really needs to be done about their huge character amount in their gacha pool that really needs to be trimmed down. I’ll still login and do some dailies, but the events are just a chore now. Maybe I’ll find some interest again, but I doubt it.
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  • Summoning characters is bad and unfair

    I saved up 600 gems for the new gear 5 luffy summon (took me months) and out of those 600 gems, 300 of them used on the summon on the gear 5 event. There is a 15% chance to get a sugo rare card (the rarest) and for some reason out of those 300 gems I got nothing but trash. Months of time wasted on a trash game that has a horrible pay to win vibe with awful gatcha based rolling. How is it that I had a statistically 400% chance to get a sugo rare on my last summon and I got nothing but ultra rares? Because this game will continue to give you trash characters until you spend $800+. For those of you who are F2P, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME IT WILL ENRAGE YOU. For those of you who are P2W whales or sharks, go ahead this game is fun if you have good stuff. If I play this game in the future and I find it’s easier to get rare characters and not just based on who spends the most money, then maybe I’ll change my review to 5 star because this is a enjoyable game when your not trying to get characters from the summons
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  • Stop building on bad foundation

    As much as I want to be a fan, this games size is its Achilles heel. The fact that tips are given to the player constantly indicates to me that someone on the developer side understands there is too much in this game for the average player to navigate without them. The size is a problem and little bandaids like that aren’t going to stop the ship from sinking.
    Why? Because this is actually 2 games in 1 with 6 game modes, it’s very nature is lost because efforts can never be focused. The PvP is so far removed from the events and story gameplay it requires a whole reworking of each units abilities. So each unit has 2 sets of stats that you level up by grinding events or emptying your pockets. All of that’s redflags but to top it all off there are the near daily 1GB+ downloads that that ~20 mins each day to complete. Assuming it’s every 5 days and you want to collect daily rewards, that’s ~4 hrs of every month taken just to begin playing the game.
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  • Change my review I like this game

    I already found out how to fix the problem so. It’s fine there’s so much things to do in this game all the characters in the game it’s cool not difficult to get rainbow gems like some other games there are simple steps how to get rainbow gems there’s lots of ways actually ilike one piece good work almost all the same episodes in the game lots of battles daily rewards I also like the way how if any people start the game logging in you can get cool stuff like 15days to get all kinds of stuff almost like one piece and I really think you should get it if you’re interested with one piece or like one piece or just watch one piece as your daily thing what good work developers surprisingly amazing game see you later I will add some more stuff later. More stuff to tell there is a glitch so I was just watching the story. when I see the whale I see two squares One is all blue one is all black and they would kick me out of the game so I decided to do not continue the battle please fix this glitch it’s very weird thank you
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  • Make a save thing button I will not lose my progress

    Hello I like the game very much the graphics are good and the pictures of the characters are amazing throughout my play through I’ve Noticed something it doesn’t have a save I currently I have a game on my iPad but the screen of it is broken now I’m afraid I will lose all my characters in the game mainly one I want to keep Yamato and ace there my best character so please In plant a save button or if you have I’m just stupid and missed still a very great graphics are good pictures of the characters I love special effects of the characters when there at there max effect on the poster amazing game five out of five game would recommend to people new to one piece or have just started watching it
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  • No longer F2P friendly!!!

    I have been playing OPTC for many years now and I’ve spend a lot of money over the years because I love One Piece and I really loved this app. Unfortunately it’s been getting worse and worse… Even with spending money I can’t keep up with the new releases every few weeks and to make matters worse, there is no content to play to earn gems to pull for these new units. They removed all the content that allowed you to make your own teams using units you have (like garp challenges) which was a nice way to earn some gems and resources and was actually fun. Now they just release new units, make a small “event” for them, and then become obsolete forcing you to pull for the next new unit… it’s an endless cycle and it’s ridiculous! I use to love this game and I invested a lot of time and money and feel like we’ve been scammed. If I was offered a full refund on my account I’d take it in a heartbeat.
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  • Wasted Potential

    The game has the potential to be incredible but the lack of free summons and the fact that you need to save for one month just to get one consecutive summon ruins the entire experience. One Piece Treasure Cruise pales in comparison to Bandai Namco’s other game , Dragon Ball Legends. Dragon ball legends offers frequent free summons and you don’t have to wait a whole month of saving gems just to do one consecutive summon. It takes at most a week to get a consecutive summon for late game players. Both games are created by Bandai Namco but the difference is clear that much more thought and consideration is being put into Dragon Ball Legends than One Piece Treasure Cruise. If one were to judge this game based on the One Piece competitor games I’d say this comes out on top but as I said earlier it pales in comparison to the far more enjoyable dragon ball legends.
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