I’ll be transparent.
It’s quite unfortunate that the population that uses the app is quite small but it’ll grow if it can get more exposure I’m sure.
It’s very easy to blog, the community feature is well implemented, and it has nice organization!
Something I want to see prompt is a statistic of how many interactions you have made and received along with how many journals you’ve created and so on.
If this app ever does grow exponentially, it also needs a dedicated section organizer. If I want to be able to post in “Sad journals” or along those lines, that would be in the right direction!
Also it needs a following feature if it doesn’t have one already. I’m new to it so I could be missing it.
Overall it’s a well nice engaging app which is what I’ve been really looking for!
Response from developer
Hi Kevin, thank you for using Goodnight Journal and the great review. We learned a lot from your review. We do have a following feature and definitely want our community to grow with awesome people like you 😊 We are intrigued and want to hear more about the section organizer idea that you brought up. If you can message me at https://app.goodnightjournal.com/contact so we know how to reach out to you to talk more about that!