Extreme Car Driving Simulator User Reviews

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  • 😭

    This game is so fun and I liked the multiplayer mode, but it’s kind of overpowered when you are like me that has every car in the game and destroys people and races. it makes the races a lot less fun when you just fly ahead of everybody and you finish the race in one minute and eight seconds. also, the game has a big problem with pop-up ads that take up a quarter of my screen and I can’t drive my car because it takes up all the controls. almost every time I go into single player I have to turn on airplane mode to not get pop-up ads. speaking of single player mode I really really really miss “ no traffic mode” because every time I drive my car in the city I end up ramming in the 14 other cars. Also my driving distance is broken. I have over 2500 miles. on my driving distance and I can’t claim any rewards because it’s glitched. but overall, the game is really fun, especially in multiplayer when you get a flex your car that cost 8000 diamonds. it’s also really hard to get cars without spending any money on the game. I had to grind on the game for like three years to get all the cars. I still haven’t spent any money on the game.
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  • Please read right now

    I am a big fan of this game I love the graphics of the game but I found a bug when I was driving my car went into the tunnel to the other side for some reason it said loading zone and that really made me mad so mad that I restarted the game and I got it repeatedly and what are you supposed to do while you wait for it to make up it’s mind I am also here for some updates for the game I love the skins but it could have some more also I get bored playing the same map over and over again so please ad at least one more map and also in the game sometimes when I’m driving my car I see a mountain and I’m like I need to get on that nice mountain so I find the closest place to speed and jump of but you can never get to it and a car in real life could do it so why can’t it happen in the game and just for an idea on the left right corner there’s these modes you can put your car in for example headlight which can help you see at night in the game and in the modes I want there to be one that can make your car fly and the controls change to steering your flying car and then when you press it again the car stops flying and the controls go back to normal please use all of my ideas I mean all of them to make the best update the game could have
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  • Needs updating

    Here is a list that tells you what I need you to fix 1.more cars because 26 is a very small number
    2.larger map because the smallest map in the game is the mountains and it feels WAY too small just driving around the mountain map and the freeway in the airport is smaller than the largest street in the city map
    3.more songs and Ngl but the songs you made or put on in the main menu and during gameplay is good but it’s only 1 song that repeats itself
    4.change physics because when you click the go pedal you hit 0-60 as fast as a dragster and you hit top speed in like 15 seconds and also some of the cars have no grip at all when the real cars are made for grip and again the corvette hits 0-60 in like 1 second, 0-120 in like 3 seconds, 0-180 in like 5 seconds and finally 0-top speed/198mph in like 10 seconds so pls fix it. Same with all the other cars
    5.i get that the game needs ads to make it free. It’s just that your using it way too much, and sometimes their EXTREMELY NOT KID FRIENDLY and sometimes when I do a game play, I play for like 3 minutes and then “Chimerical break” appears on my screen. So ye that’s all I need you to do Thank you😇👍
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  • Great game but…

    The newest update added some really awesome new driving views, the problem is those two new views (interior, and the realistic following views) don’t work correctly. After a minute or so the other traffic on the roads disappear! Also the traffic in traffic mode does not stop for your car. This really needs fixed (getting rear ended waiting at an intersection is kind of annoying.) the interiors of the cars need some work, as most are fuzzy and nothing moves except the steering wheel. Also all three of the views need to allow you to look to the sides and behind you, because you can’t see traffic when turning or baking up. The mirrors also need to work! A larger car collection would be nice, the cars could really use more realistic acceleration, the other traffic could look better, and an occasional other cool car to road race would be cool:) turn signals and a horn for the cars you drive would be cool, engine upgrades and aero kits, and customizable exhaust sound, you can add freely are needed, and the cars could be cheaper to buy. The traffic also needs to move faster, maybe 150 mph, since all the cars you can buy are so fast. More paint color and a larger wheel collection are needed, and the skins are priced at way to many gems! Also a way to turn of the coins would be great for free driving. The checkpoint mode has never worked for me and the free drag driving mode with no cars needs an other car to race, other than that great game, and a great new update!
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  • MORE STUFF PLZ (read this or this game is DONE FOR!!!)

    This game is pretty fun, but I really think that there should be more maps. It gets pretty boring after a while with these three, JUST THREE, maps. I also think you really should add different vehicles, like boats or tanks or helicopters. All of the cars are like, exactly the same, they just have different stats and look different. You need to make the cars more unique. I’m not saying you should replace the cars, because I have all the best cars and I’d lose them, just change them and add LOTS more and different types of vehicles (highly recommend planes) and if possible, change the name to something better, not just something plain that just says wut it is, something like “Get in Gear” or “Really Cool Driving Game.” If you stay with the same things you’ve had for all this time, (and I’ve played this game for like FIVE FREAKING YEARS) don’t be surprised if you lose popularity. I’m already kinda considering just ditching this game, so I think you gotta do, like a COMPLETE makeover for this game.
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  • ⚠️⚠️ ⚠️Please read!!⚠️⚠️⚠️

    I have had this game for a long time now, and I have thought of a couple of things that could be improved. I looked at the new update and was happy to see you guys are still taking care of your app. Anyways, this game is lacking in good customization. This includes being able to manually change the color of your car and car parts, changing spoilers, adding patterns to your car, adding a secondary color, adding a pearlescent to your car, and anything that could give the user a less restrained experience when customizing their car. I like the new rims and skins, but only being limited to a few colors, rims, and skins can get quite boring. I really like the map, but after playing on it for a while it can also get boring. Another concern is the interior car view. Every car has the same interior, so please fix that. I like the current car models, but it wouldn’t hurt to add some more. Multiplayer would be amazing, but I personally think the things I mentioned above are more important. Other than those things, I like the game. It does what it was meant to be which is to be a simulator. I know I am a picky person, but this game still has much more potential. Please consider adding one of the features I mentioned. I still love this game, and I won’t lose faith in the progression of this game. I hope you see this review, and thank you for your time.
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  • I like the game, but…

    I like the game, but there are too many ads. Can the creators of the game take away the ads when you are actually playing the game and driving your car? It is a little anoying. Otherwise, the game is absolutely awesome! I like that you can destroy your car and then fix it. I also like that it allows you to use the flip button whenever you want. This way I can fly in the air for around 10 seconds. I can also collect car blueprints this way, and the newly added gold coins laying around. Also, a little trick for the people who are playing this game. Turn off your Wi-Fi so you don’t have any ads. It makes the game way more fun. And if you are playing on Mobil, play it when you are in a car not driving Obviously or at a place without Wi-Fi. Ps, can you make it so you can customize the cars engine and ad nos? Pps, can you add more cars? Ppps, can you make things in the game cheaper? Thanks!
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  • Just amazing

    I remember back when I first played this game and it looked nothing like this it has gotten beautiful the graphics are so much better cars aren’t just weird blobs and just so beautiful I could have never expected this. I thought I was going to download the same game I played in 2015 and I didn’t it is so much better. When I was looking for this game i looked at it then skipped it because I don’t remember looking that way but I couldn’t find anything else with its car logo so I decided to download it. I also don’t really care with the ads or the fact that I have to drive more to unlock the levels that used to be free. I had like 50 or maybe even 500 miles on this game or kilometers I can’t remember what it used to use but it definitely didn’t always look this way. I also don’t care with the ads because I watched so many ads unlocking the last car and they don’t look the same today either. The last and best car was the red one then I remember it being the black and orange one never the one I see today. The creators have done so much work on this game and it is so much better than back then. I still had fun playing it back then I didn’t think I would have this much fun playing again today. Thank you.
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  • The Best Car Game on iOS and iPadOS

    I have been playing this game since 2014 and I LOVED it, the stunning (for the time) graphics ran super well on my brand-new iPad mini, and I sunk hundreds of hours into this game, and when the off-road version was launched in 2015 I sunk hundreds of hours into that one too, (for some reason it has now been pulled from the App Store in the U.S). The choice of cars was and still is amazing, and with the graphics update 4 months ago, it finally felt like a modern mobile game again. I cannot tell you how many fun memories I have had, like the time I figured out you could (almost) fly in the game by spam pressing the reset button or the day when you could go under buildings in the LaFerrari, or the day I switched iPads and got to experience the full welcoming experience again.
    However I have one thing to complain about, and it’s very minor, in the recent update, they removed the most iconic car in the game, the grey 2014 Lamborghini Aventador, and that car kind of defined the entire game for me, whenever I saw a picture of an Aventador, it brought back the memories I talked about earlier. So please developers, bring back the Aventador PLEASE! Other than that, this is the best mobile game I have ever played, and nothing will ever take that title from it.
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  • Childhood game overhaul, still too many ads

    I just want to start off by saying that this game was my childhood reason why I wanted to play my phone so much. There was just nothing like it. I would play it for hours trying to get this one blueprint for a car and then realize I was trying to get it wrong then quit. Fast forward 3 years (I think) and I find the game has had a massive graphics overhaul. You can imagine my excitement when I saw it. I rated this game a 4/5 but now it’s definitely a 5/6, having deleted the game I have a reason to play it again.
    • great graphics for a free mobile game.
    • great driving system. (except for gyro, I’ll get there later)
    • unlock system is fair I guess, it rewards the player for playing long amounts of time.
    • HUGE map, used to have 3 zones but Idk if any were added.
    • very high-effort looking game.
    • the ads. It’s not the play/ad ratio or how long the ads are, they are just forced so much! When you pause, you can get an ad, enter game, ad literally do nothing, you can still get an ad. It’s too much but I don’t mind it for the improved graphics.
    • the sensitivity of the gyroscope is too high, and I haven’t found a way to turn it down.
    In summary, the game looks like it was made with a lot of effort, and graphics are 👌😩 it’s a double edged sword though, because there are many forced ads, so it’s a love-hate relationship
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