User Reviews: United With Israel

Top reviews

  • App review

    This app is very unstable, the screen keeps trying to update constantly, making screen flash often.
  • God’s Chosen

    As a Christian and even before I became a Christian, I have always believed that God’s chosen is exactly that. I do pray for Israel daily even before this awakening happened on October 5, 2023. In all likely good I will never visit Israel due to age, 73.
    But my love for the Father, Son And the Holy Spirit keeps me seeking His word. Living in America, I also am a veteran, so I do have knowledge of a war, Vietnam. I served because my dad also did back in WW II and Korean War.
    These days I pray of the spiritual battle ongoing because we have to stamp out the spirit of darkness as when in happened in Daniel’s time, Old Testament.
    I pray for Israel for the Lord to place an ‘iron dome’ over every soldier, as a hedge of protection, to give wisdom to the leaders of Israel and the military.
    In Jesua’s name, amen.
  • Best app for News

    A wonderful app to understand the intricacies of Israeli politics. There have been multiple times its covered stories not shown anywhere else in English (such as an Arab-Israeli social media star endorsing Otzma Yehudit’s Ben-Gvir).

    A must have for the Israel watchers with Iphones.
  • Review

    App glitches shows it’s always loading. Too many ads. Needs some work.
  • Keeps me informed.

    I read the news from Israel every night, keeps me well informed candid up to date on all the news and issues concerning Israel. The articles are well written and the comments section is extremely interesting. Well done.
  • UWI

    I love America, born and raised here. I would like to go to Israel, but the last time I flew, I landed in the Hospital in Denver, Co, my heart rate was not working properly so they had a stop there anyway, so they took me to the hospital. Anyway I don’t desire to get on a plane again. Unless God wants me to be there and he’ll fix it for me to be there!
    In the time we’re living in, you are right about God protecting his people. I was glad a few years ago when America was standing up for Israel, but now I’m not sure about anything good coming from America. The Bible tells us- if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, then will I hear from Heaven and ———(save them ) I can’t remember the exact words but He will come to our rescue! I hope and pray that America will get on God’s side and Israel’s side too, so that we can be saved from this old world and the things that they will go through if they’re not on the right side of the battle!
  • I like

    I love this app, keep me in touch.
  • United With Israel

    Awesome app, delivers the information often missing from mainstream press. I am thrilled to have the app available to me on my iPad and iPhone. I feel that the perspective of the articles is on the spot accurate and I frequently share the articles with my siblings and friends. Thank You. Please Continue the Excellent Work
  • I AM United with Israel

    This keeps me up-to-date with what is going on in Israel, not like American fake news! Shalom from Arkansas, USA! L for El ⚔️🗡🦾
  • Love this app

    I’m only Jewish by adoption, however I’m ever mindful of where I come from , where my Peace comes from ! The Lord God !

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