In-App PurchasesWith Ads

About Cownado!

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Developer of Cownado!

In-App Purchases of Cownado!



Power-Up Package (Gives 20 Bertha's)

Instantly add 20 "Bertha" power-ups to your game.

Cownado! screenshot #1 for iPhone
Cownado! screenshot #2 for iPhone
Cownado! screenshot #3 for iPhone
Cownado! screenshot #4 for iPhone

What's New in Cownado!


June 2, 2021

- Updated graphics for newer devices!

Reviews of Cownado!

What is this game

Interesting mini game but a little too difficult. Idk y u have to pay $2 for Bertha. Also thereโ€™s cow dlcs so if ur into that...

Alternatives to Cownado!

More Applications by Lynest LLC


Can Cownado! support iPad devices?

Yes, the software for Cownado! is compatible with iPads.

Who launched the Cownado! app?

The creator of Cownado! is Lynest LLC.

What is the minimum iOS version supported by Cownado!?

The minimum iOS requirement: 12.1.

How do users rate the app?

With an overall rating of 5 out of 5, Cownado! is a must-have app for users.

What app category is Cownado!?

Games Is The App Genre Of The Cownado! App.

Which version of Cownado! is the latest one?

30.1 is the newest version of Cownado!.

When did the last Cownado! update come out?

The Cownado! app was last updated on January 4, 2025.

When did Cownado! get launched?

Cownado! was released on February 5, 2023.

What age rating is assigned to the Cownado! app?

Child-friendly content, no violence or scary images.

What are the languages offered by Cownado!?

The Cownado! app can be used in English.

Can I find Cownado! within Apple Arcade's selection of games?

Sorry, Cownado! is not available on Apple Arcade.

Are in-app purchases available within Cownado!?

Absolutely! In-app purchases are accessible within Cownado!.

Can I utilize Cownado! with Apple Vision Pro?

No, you cannot utilize Cownado! with Apple Vision Pro.

Are there commercial ads in Cownado!?

Yes, there are commercial ads in Cownado!.