User Reviews: inchy

Top reviews

  • Can't Stop Playing This

    This is probably one of the most addicting, but frustrating, IOS games I've ever played. I love how it says "you missed the branch" and then zooms in on the centimeter you got off on the branch. And I also think it's funny how you put something like " 5 more rounds until a sexy surprise" it's funny and makes you want to play it longer.
    My only real problem with this app, is how many ads there are, and that you have to pay to remove them, buts it's really not a big deal, even if you don't remove them.
    Overall, I think it's a great app, and keep up the good work! 👌🏼👍🏼💯
  • Unbelievable

    I can't believe the idiocy shown in this game the surprises are terrible and in no way make me want to play more *spoiler alert* it changes inchie's color I don't care about the color nor do I even like the color the game is also glitchy in the sense that when I click on the very edge of a branch sometimes it kicks me 1 increment back which is just enough to knock me off the branch on top of all of this there are way too many ads and I shouldn't have to endure glitchy ads where the x button doesn't work, or a video however long it may be, or have to turn on airplane mode just to get rid of them, and more! This app is terrible in every way I could've designed this game I took a small programming class in Visual Basic. It's utterly ridiculous and difficult therefore nobody should waste there time at least not on this time waster go play something else possible much less glitchy and without ads or without so many anyway like geometry dash.

    This game and I have a love\hate relationship. I get EXTREMELY frustrated but then there Inchy is... Just longing to get to the top of the tree, so I just HAVE to help him! Onto the issue of why Inchy didn't receive 5 stars, this app is very glitchy. I understand that it is new and they are still working on some stuff, but I often have to close out the app and go back into it, which takes forever for it to load back. Usually, the ads will get frozen onto my screen and the X button won't work or inchy just won't climb. He will be frozen on the first branch. I know you can purchase the "no ads" thing, but will that fix the fact that Inchy doesn't climb to the next branch smoothly, or the quality of the app all together? If it does, then I personally think that this app should cost 99¢ right when you buy it. I'd rather pay that than have a slow app. I'm hoping this app will be like Flappy Bird in 2 ways. 1: the people will make an update that includes MAJOR bug fixes to make this app a lot smoother running. 2: maybe with practice it will get easier. Wish me luck🍀
  • Great game

    This game is harder than flappy bird and mr jump but is incredibly fun. I don't really care about the adds because they are off screen. One thing is that the inchy levels are a little to far for the beginning of the game and the leveled up looks look a little plain. One thing I would like to suggest is that you can get new worms such as: Phoenix worm-resurrects every three deaths,whale worm- is able to randomly go under the water and dodge a branch, Indiana worms- has a wip animation for going to a new branch and looks awesome, and the special epoch w.o.r.m.-shoots rockets at robots that appear randomly on branches and is able to fly over branches that are super small and goes to the next branch every other super small branch. Don't forget to add new worlds to play on! Please add this because it would make the game so much better thanks
  • 3 stars (five so you can see it)

    Inchy is a game were your basically an inchworm trying to reach the next branch. The only problem is THE ADDS!! I would love and play inchy more if you just either take out all of the adds or just reduce them. I recommend inchy to people who don't really mind ALL THE ADDS and to people who find it fun to work up to something. Lastly PLEASE MAKE MORE CHARACTERS! I have the expensive worm but I would love it if the inchy makers would make some more characters so I could go on and on and on and try to reach up to another worm (I'm not saying that I don't like the expensive worm I'm just saying that I would like it if I had an even more expensive worm! Lol😂)
  • 😱😁😝😂😂great game!👌👏👏

    Ok so this game isnt actually that bad. I was reading the description and at first i didnt get it because it sounded really hard and i get frustrated REALLY easily but then i thought ah whatever its free right? Lol😝 so i got it and at first i thought it was rigged because i didnt know how to play it 😂. I kept missing the branch because i wasnt tapping a second time😁. When i actually figure out how to play though it was fun! 😋😋 this game is WAY less frustrating thab Flappy Bird. In Flappy Bird i wanted to throw my ipod against a cement wall but in this one its actually not that frustrating. One thing tho is the ads because i got the free version and after every play, an ad pops up which is what frustrates me the most. I dont care if there are ads but could they maybe cut down on them? Also anyone who is torn weather to get this or not, dont worry because after you play this game for a while, it gets easier. I went from not even touching the branch to getting 7 branches in a row in lik...2 minutes so you need to get this game😉👍
  • Inchy... Freakin inchy 😩

    OMG I play this game a little too much. 😩😩 u dont understand, its impossible to get more than 6 ive tried sooooo hard. 😩😱have u ever played a game so much that ur battery dies a bunch💁… thats this stupid game. i dont know if its because he has too small of a mout to grab on to the tiny branches or if im just not good at this game its so frustrating. app people, if ur reading tis plz plz plz make it easier to get higher scores!!!?😁😁! luv this game it is so much more fun than flappy bird or temple run and more people have it… one guy got his iPhone taken by the teacher and the teacher ended up playin inchy for a while 😂LOLOLOLOL 😂seriously anyways get this game for sure unless ur too chicken to be showed up by ur friends hahahahaa😝🙏
  • Its a great game but...

    The ads are annoying and that doesn't help when the game type you're playing is supposed to make you irritated, i think the most annoying aspect of the game is not the fact you missed the branch by "this" much, but its really the thought "oh god, i gotta face another ad and try to find the exit button". I understand that the ads are more for the developers and not to annoy, but it does nonetheless and it definitely does a fine job in doing so.. If you could at least lower the consistency of the ad and lower how many times it shows up, that would make this game perfect.
  • Feels Cheap...

    (Five stars given as a way to be helpful to those considering this app)
    I checked this out because it seemed everyone else was doing it. Saw it, thought it looked cheaply done, was of course provoked by the the cheeky slogan, "Betcha can't get past level 4!", and ignored the crazy reviews like everyone else. Undoubtably, I am human. I played this game a few times before boring of it—mostly just because the graphics are absolutely nothing, and they really could've tried harder. Like most time-wasting games, the advertisements were frequent and unsophisticated. l will not stop you from getting this mess, but I hope you will learn what I have afterwards; you are wasting your life playing badly-done games out of boredom.
  • They were right

    By that I mean that creators. They said you will be frustrated and sure enough I was! It's not frustrating to the point that it made me angry because, after all, it's a game. But it is relatively difficult to complete just a couple branches. But...that's the point!

    Unfortunately I am the kind of gamer that enjoys progression through a game that gets difficult over time, not one that is extremely difficult right off the bat. This game lost my attention and I deleted it after 5 minutes of having it. There is an ad every time you "miss a branch" and I don't value the game enough to buy it so...see ya!

    I give props to the creators but not enough to give it 4 or 5 stars. It's not bad but it's not great.

Alternatives to inchy