Hellrider User Reviews

Top reviews

  • Super impressed

    The developer fixed every problem I had with the initial release. It feels like the game can finally breathe. Super impressed with the devs ability to fix the issues this quick. Highly recommend this game.
  • Easy to enjoy, difficult to master!

    This game is absolutely amazing.
    Sometimes adds will pop up in the middle of a game and I'll die. A little annoying, but new games are expected to have bugs.

    Amazing art and design, looks fantastic.
    Smooth controls, you drift a little before changing directions, which makes it harder and more fun.
    Original concept, I've never seen a game like this. So many games are just knock offs now adays.
    Immersive and distracting, I have some medical issues that cause some anxiety, and this game totally distracted me and helped.
    Easy to make progress in, if you keep playing you get better quickly, and it's fun to watch yourself make progress.

    I would make it so you can pick up multiple hearts at once.
    Customizable stuff! It'd be great to get new characters or something.
    ANIMATE THE SKELETONS. They look so weird just standing there, they don't seem alive.

    Great game guys! Keep it up!
  • I love this innovation!

    The game, graphics, gameplay, sounds, characters and world are all awesome, addictive and innovative, but the only reason I'm writing this review is the way this game uses ads! It's the way other games should have used ads. I like it. Please don't change it. Thanks.
  • Fun, but some serious problems.

    I'm pretty hooked on this game, but there are some major flaws. No pause menu? What is with that? Also the directions are quite poor. They cover the basics okay but the boss fights. It took me way too long to figure out how to kill them, I had to google it, which shouldn't be. Also, can you make it so that we can do something with the points we earn? It's getting kinda boring just doing the run over and over.
    Also, the ads are HIDEOUS. I understand apps use ads to make money but these are so invasive, they interrupt you playing the game so bad I almost don't wanna keep playing. Intrusive ads such as these are enough to make me not wanna play the game, even if it's an awesome game. Seriously guys, making me watch a video after EVERY run. Come on. That is excessive and it's driving people away.
  • This game COULD be great

    Okay, so a few things:

    The game is stunningly beautiful in graphics, colors, layout, everything. However it gets ruined by its lack of progression, intrusive ads and no return incentives.

    Lack of Progression:
    You just go until you die, then start over. Another Flappy Bird model. You don't level up, you don't upgrade, nothing. Plus the game is hard to start out! You just get going and the direction changes and obstacles pop up. We should be eased into that.

    Intrusive Ads:
    WOW. I have never seen anything like this. Usually ad banners will run along the top or bottom of the game. Not here. About every 3-5 deaths an ad pops up and starts playing a video thank you have to watch for at least 5 seconds before you can skip it. But even when you skip it the app pops up a screenshot of the app and tries to direct you to the App Store. Knock. It. Off.

    No return incentives:
    You never level up, you never upgrade, and what's with the skeletons? Cool graphic feature but there seems to be no point in going out of your way to collect them. You can't do anything with them. It would be cool if you collect skeletons and use them to buy vehicle upgrades.

    So, right now, 2 out of 5.
  • great, fun, and challenging game, but...

    This game is awesome and very addicting but the ads are just too much. You have to wait five seconds to click on a barely visible 'skip video' button and then have to press a tiny x that you'll usually miss and will send you straight to the App Store. It's really too much... I honestly wouldn't mind a banner or something in game. The game is fairly difficult, so you're going to find yourself dying frequently, especially early on, and and ad plays after nearly every other death. Also the game would also be a little more entertaining with some kind of reward system. Perhaps all the points you earn could be spent on different characters, with different attributes or something. Also some diversity with the bosses wouldn't hurt either. All in all, the game is fun, but the ads seem counterintuitive and make you want to quit the game instead of continuing to play.
  • Hella fun!

    This is so original! Love the art style, music, just about everything! It's controls and ever changing background is a seriously challenging combo, but I'm warming up to it and welcome the difficulty. I would love to see some rewards or customization options for the biker. Also maybe I feel it should have some achievements for keepsake purposes. Overall, very awesome game!!
  • Fun Game Plagued with Issues

    Hellriders is a legitimately fun game, but the ad that plays after every death, or, is supposed to, but is instead replaced by a black screen, is extremely annoying. It is so because you can't close it, forcing you to relaunch the game after every session. I would gladly pay $2.99 to remove ads, because they are intrusive and bothersome.
  • Awesome...but something missing

    This game is awesome but it's exactly like zigzag it need to have types of selection of hats/ masks and for bikes you could customize the color like for example the 100,000 point or higher there is a golden devil- flamin devil. Overall this game is fun but is lacking a the reward of playing. ๐Ÿ‘
  • Too difficult to enjoy it for a long time

    This game looked really good when I saw it first but there are too many issues with it. The art style and concept is really good but at the end of the day I just deleted it.

    1. Controls are hard. You get used to it to some degree but even then it's hard.

    2. Combine the above with difficult environment and it just becomes a game in which you keep dying and have no fun at the end of it.

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