User Reviews: Green Riding Hood

Top reviews

  • Lovely Artwork

    I got this when it was free. I like that it has recipes, and I think a kid would really like it. The animals are cute and funny, and the music is pleasant. It says in the description that it's about a vegetarian lifestyle and that Grandma is a yoga teacher, so I'm not sure what people would expect. Animation takes up a lot of space so if it were longer people might be reluctant to download it because of its size. (I hesitated at how big it was as is). Not everyone has 64GB iPhones or iPads. Taking everything into consideration, I think it's worth downloading for free. Little kids really like repetition, and if I had a kid, I might pay to download it, because it really is a beautifully designed book.
  • Great Production Values, Weird Story

    This story app is beautiful. The storytelling is good, and everything was well done. However, the message is weird. It seems very sanctimonious; as if there's only one life-style choice that's valid. I've no problem with vegetarianism; I've embraced it myself at times. But it's not true that the yoga/vegetarian lifestyle makes one happy and less mean, angry, and violent. I've known plenty of grumpy, angry, delusional, and judgmental vegetarian yoga lovers. There are good and bad people, angry and calm people, violent and passive people, etc. of every gender, race, creed, and lifestyle. There are healthy and unhealthy people among meat eaters and vegetarians alike (albeit it's always healthier to eat lots of veggies and, if one eats meat, to eat only pasture-raised, grass-fed meat). In fact, I'd say that the greatest threat to peace and happiness is absolute intolerance of others lifestyles, unless those lifestyles involve harming others. And that debate is a rabbit hole.
  • Cute but slightly strange

    This app is an interactive storybook geared towards children. I do like the fact it has multiple languages. And the artwork and interactive elements are great. The story itself is a bit short and odd. I did enjoy the music part towards the end though.
  • For all idiotd who said "silly Vegans"

    When I read the reviews, I heard mean and rude things. I played through this whole game and loved it, and guess what!? I'm a ten year old!
    This game is for toddlers people. That meaning it's meant for kids. It's made for baby's to understand. It said for kids 5 and under
    I loved the way the game was made. It teaches kids what can happen to you if you don't care for your body. Plus, it teaches you how yoga can help you.
    I hope this helped you guys see why adults can't not have a little fun! This is for kids guys. I like the idea of having recipes and think it's a fun little app.
    I am sorry for anyone who said quote "silly Vegas" I'm sorry. I wonder if any of you know animals had to die for your steak or ribs. HUMANS ARE ANIMALS. Dog lovers, did you know people EAT dogs in China. I cringed when I first heard that. Being a Vegan helps keep animals some of you think as pets from being killed.
    Do you no longer think of "silly Vegans" well I hope you know people die every day because of not being heap. I hoped you learned somethkng

    I don't do reviews for every app, but this is one review that I didn't need to be asked to do. It's marvelously interactive, and though it says for children five and under, I'm 65 and I enjoyed it very much. It would be nice to sit down with your grandchildren and an iPad, to read & interact with this together. (It is on the short side, so I'm glad I got it free. I would have been disappointed if I paid more than $.99 for it.)
  • Very fun, interactive, and informative, but...

    This was a very fun story to read/interact with for my child and I. I personally enjoyed the recipes that came along with the story. The only problem I actually had was that towards the end in the wolves den, when pushed the wolves' T.V would bring up a Rambo parody that was accompanied by a pretty realistic sound-bite of machine-guns and screaming. I have to explain so much to my child in a world that bombards us with violence, and I was hoping this story would just let a kid have a moment of innocent fun. Don't get me wrong for the most part you guys hit the mark, but please, use your creativity to find a way to create a villain that doesn't have to involve the cliches that we can do without. It would be most refreshing.
  • Introduces different perspectives

    Different spin on the classic story. Environmentally friendlier, introduces healthy concepts, contains no deaths, doesn't cast any animal in a negative image.

    Cute interactions to amuse children.

    Good to promote healthier eating and expand recipe vocabulary with some non-US-centric recipes, but a few might be complex for 5-year-olds.
  • Alternate Reality

    Anyone that thinks this app is political is an absolute idiot! That kind of thinking is exactly what's wrong with America, hidden subliminal leftist brainwashing? My god can't you see how ridiculous that sounds, stay in your echo chamber and continue to believe your absurd conspiracies. Or join the rest of the us, where rational people live. Side note, the app was a fun interactive story which is exactly what it was supposed to be!
  • Cute storytelling with a message

    I wouldn't call this a game, although there are some interactive bit. I downloaded it for my little sister who is 6. She thought the story was very good and liked the idea of the recipes. I personally enjoy that, as well as the music. I don't know what I'll be doing with it a couple of weeks from now but it's a pretty cute interactive experience. Could definitely use more chances that call for user action, but overall I enjoyed it. And it had wonderful graphics.
  • Cute Story

    I tired this app while it was featured under the free app of the week. The story was cute and somewhat interactive. However, I am not sure it is worth money just yet. For a paid app this app lacks a lot. It needs more content and more interaction, but it is off to a good start.

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