Top reviews

  • Finally beat it on normal (tips)

    Took an in-app purchase of 3 extra credits and a lot of practice, but that was a satisfying win. Be patient and have fun. Then when you think you can win with extra credits, buy em. It was worth the .99 cents. Great experience.

    Boss one is easy once you know his routine. I keep to the left when things get crazy. Easier to dodge.

    If you don't care about points, boss 2 can easily be beat by running the clock and looming behind him until he shoots missles.

    Boss 3 all I can say is baby steps all around. Resist jumping all over the place.

    Boss 4 his first move is aimed at you so time it so you move far away just as he launches those missles. That will ease the pain. I go to the upper left corner when he launches bombs.

    Last guy is pretty easy. Stay left when he uses bats. You can dodge easy from there. The rest is just gently dodging bullets.
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  • Never says credits are one use

    So I paid to max out credits. Because u need more credits in all modes. But nowhere does it say that the iap for credits is one use only. They should regenerate for the extra two dollars we paid. Shameful money grab. Like I'm going yo pay two dollars each time I want to play. Thx for the greed.
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  • 1 of the better Shmups

    It's definitely a tough game. But w such fast load times, frustration has no time to sink in...

    Would've been a quarter muncher back in the day for sure!
  • Fun - BUT HARD!!!

    If you don't take this game seriously it is pretty enjoyable.. but if you let it get under your skin you might end up needing a new iphone after you threw the one you're on at a wall!!
  • Really not fun at all

    I love bullet hell games but this is just bad. Far too fast, you have no time at all to pick anything up. Takes ages to power up but one hit to power down, good luck getting past your first pow up. Waste of money, just don't bother:(
  • Game should probably come with a disclaimer

    I don't normally leave reviews, but after looking at some of the piss poor reviews people left about garbage controls to wah wah its to hard and , don't waste your money I want a refund. I decided that this game probably should have a disclaimer that looks something like this

    If you can't beat contra without having to enter the up up Down down code. Don't buy this game. If the first thing you do after you beat a level is run to the closest save crystal. Don't play this game. If you have to reach for your wallet or moms wallet cause you need the best equipment or the first level is to hard. Don't bother downloading this game. If most of your achievements,unlocks, and hidden crap you got were the result of selecting yes after being asked if you really wanted to purchase this from Apple. Skip this title and Go on to the next game.

    This game doesn't mess around. There's no holding your hand helping you through the first few levels. It tells you to pick a pilot and goes good luck now go save the world.
    The devs should be commended for making a tough game like this. Where you have to sit down and play knowing that you don't have unlimited lives and countless of continues to fall back on. The game doesn't care that one more shot would of killed the last boss. Remember what you learned from that encounter now go back to stage one.
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  • Unfair gameplay bad controls and ui

    Easy mode plays like expert mode. You have to look at the top to see when special move is charged. Your ship should change color. Instead of 2 finger tap for bomb you need to tap in lower right. First boss shoots super speed laser without warning which insta kills you. Boss 4 shoots very dense bullets at super speed. Poorly implemented shooter.
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  • Too hard

    The game is great. A must have for fans of Galaga and similar games. There is a problem with the game though. There is supposed to be an "easy" mode, but the amount of Ai Fire makes it hard to focus on avoiding the bullets and getting your bullets to hit them. On level 1, there are so many enemies at one time that it's very hard to avoid and hit them at the same time. I don't like the credit system either. You can "save" your game, but it saves it for you to start the level over if you have the needed credits, and it deletes the 'save' if you don't have any credits.
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  • Could be fun

    Too hardcore for casual gaming. Too bad since I was looking forward to a good arcade style scrolling shooter.
  • Great but too hardcore

    This is an incredible bullet shooter, but "Easy" mode seems anything but to me and "Normal" modes means near insta-death. This plays wonderfully on my iPad; if only I could see past the first two bosses. Please developers, make a wimp mode for the rest of us.

    My recommendation is only buy if you want extreme challenge.
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