Need improvements
So, regarding your app:
PATH (show sun path on camera view):
- I find this feature super useful, however is working erratically. Settings sometimes apply correctly, others you have to go out and back to make them work. Some times they display and sometimes not. The line that marks the position of the sun sometimes appears repeated or over imposed 3 or 4 times, as well as the time displayed at the end of it making the reading difficult if not annoying.
- What is the blue line for? Is it for the hemispheres?
- why do you have two lines (yellow and orange) following the trajectory? What is the difference?
- You should display also the altitude besides time and azimuth.
- The time does not update in real time, it is necessary to get out and in again to get that.
- In general this Menu needs some improvement.
MAP (Show sun path on map):
- You should include azimuth and altitude with each time displayed.
- Mistake in the display of coordinates shown in the upper left corner. This problem seems to have its origin in the GRAPH Menu. Please read below for a longer explanation on that.
GRAPH (show graph of sun path):
- You should make possible to zoom in to the graph instead of having to save it to Photos and have to be changing of app each time I need to check a path. To offer the possibility of saving it to photos is good but it should be in a bigger resolution.
- You should include the time (hour) in the path. Although it shows azimuth and altitude we need to know the time when that is happening.
- you have a mistake on the upper left side. You are saying longitud is North or South when it should be either West or East. That only happens when you select decimal coordinates in settings.
- it is good that you offer two kinds of projections.
DATA (show sun data):
- You should clarify if the times shown are solar time or civil time (based in the geolocation of the phone). It seems it is civil time but it is still not clear (a note should suffice for that).
- You should (besides azimuth) give the altitude of the sun at solar noon and mention the civil, nautical and astronomical twitlight are at 6º,12º and 18º.
- The same mistake on the upper left side regarding the longitude and mentioned above.
I hope this helps.