A great device and App!
In the short time I’ve had it the company has continued to improve the app and are very open to suggestions.
I’ve tested the emergency feature and am impressed by how quick the response is and how professional the dispatchers are.
I also like the 5 second hold and have used it to get a fake call when I need to discreetly excuse myself from an uncomfortable situation. In addition, it sends either a text or call to whomever you designate with a pre-written message along with your location so I feel this is an extra measure of security in situations that don’t rise to the immediacy of needing the police or an ambulance. For instance, a salesman came to my door and was very persistent. I didn’t want to slam the door in his face so I used the 5 second hold to receive a fake phone call and was able to end the sales visit without feeling uncomfortable.
For myself I never thought I would use the Find My Keys function but lo and behold I have used it numerous times already! For example, I am pretty disciplined about putting my keys on a certain counter when I arrive home. But the other day I had to rush to the sunroom to check my computer quickly and unknowingly placed my keys on the desk there. I would have spent a ridiculous amount of time searching for them if not for the Find My Keys function since it was so unlike me to leave my keys in that location. This has happened on other occasions when I am particularly rushed.
The Virtual (Walking) Escort is a great function also- I use it as extra security when I am traveling at night or to an unfamiliar location.
I love the fact that the Profile portion of the App has the capacity to hold whatever personal info you may want emergency responders to have- besides your home and contact info, contact info for your loved ones, but also important medical info such as your blood type, medicines, medical conditions, etc- all vital info for an emergency responder.
I show my POM to everyone I meet- I feel that it is something everyone should have, regardless of age, sex or medical condition. Hopefully, you never need to use it but it really gives Peace of Mind to have it.
I’ve recently had surgery and since I am at an increased risk of falling I have been wearing the POM on a chain around my neck. This definitely makes me feel more at ease. Once I’m healed I will put it back on my keychain.
I highly recommend this personal safety device and this App!