User Reviews: Cadenza

Top reviews

  • POS!

    A total POS. Gives you a new objective every 30 seconds and you are tightly controlled in where you can go. I feel like someone is taking me by the hand every step of the game. Way too much dialogue- give it a rest already. It crashed on the way to the last hotel & won't let me move anywhere. I'm not even going to bother to reload- it's that bad.

    Well I enjoyed playing this game, even with my pre-teen sons. Entertaining enough for my attention but not gory or content too mature which would have needed some explaining. All in all great but short and rather quick to get through.. Especially @ $4.99, we tend not to purchase many games like those cause when your done it's done. I mean yeah restart for the same story line.. No thanks.. Well I am a die hard BIG FISH GAMES FAN!!!! Casino, daily along with few others.

    12thmamma \ WHOSYURMAMMA\

    Profile names Susan Gibson
  • Completely OVERRATED!! Unable to review paid game even though I've purchased game!

    There are two games: the free trial w in game purchase and the purchase up front, each with different sets of reviews, which makes no sense. And when attempting to review unknowingly via the paid first game, I was refused - saying I hadn't paid for it. I just find it interesting that this game site is more negative than the others.
    I actually enjoyed the first Cadenza MUCH more than this one.
    And like the majority of the newer games being put out, the graphics and storylines are greatly improved- yet that doesn't even matter if the game is a contradiction of terms: slowly dragging on and on.....yet time wise a pretty short game, especially on actual play time.
    Then there were the glitches found throughout the game.
    They were apparent in the very few ho/puzzles, yet most really weren't either, they were mostly very rudimentary "matching games" -they were very childlike just dressed up as if they were more sophisticated, but they were far from it.

    The BIGGEST turnoff of the game: the fact that the majority isn't a even a game- very little actual playtime. It's about appreciating the graphics and in each well detailed scene - there's barely any that actually include "active" scenes, an when they do, it's maybe one ...two at the most.

    Another huge disappointment is that when it is interactive, it's more about just "showing" animated scenes that are only "showing" what's going on, and then talking with people...and running back and forth, .... maybe to take in more scenery..??....and the excessive hoop jumping just to get an object is ridiculous, especially when it's not challenging, it's boring/annoying and it seems like it's just filler ...instead of really integrating anything really intelligent, creative, fun or again...challenging.
    The back and forth to get the keys from the bar patron with the drink tickets/drinks is a perfect example, and the lock-picking, which is already so "been there/done that" - has the potential to be super fun and challenging, but was quite the opposite, the worst one yet.
    Bottom line is, that given all the talent, time, effort and thought put in to this games graphics there should've been just as much put into the actual playtime and focused on the users expectations, excitement and most importantly on challenging the player - this game is simply the smoke and mirrors of a really stellar game but underneath it's anything but.

    Ps - Please start focusing on producing truly OUTSTANDING games- maybe by allowing a wider range of test players to give honest feedback and insight about these games in order for the changes/editing needed to take place prior to release.


    they certainly aren't target the average player: adults.

    I was painfully reminded when I'd be impressed by the beautiful crisp graphics,
  • Changing of Purchase Price Trickery

    I really was enjoying the game and went to purchase it at the 4.99 price yesterday. Purchased it and then it said I did not purchase only for the price to change mid stream to 6.99. What gives with that one BF.
  • Kiss of Death

    Yes. I like the HOP.
  • Beware: check your "purchased game list" before buying

    I forgot to check, and purchased this game. It was already in my games list😁. It's a GREAT game, but BFG just released it as if it was new. (Even with today's date.
    I posted 5 stars the first time around. This one gets one star for trickery.

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