Trucker Dating

How to cancel a subscription on Trucker Dating

How to cancel a subscription on your iPhone

Discover how to cancel a subscription through Apple or one purchased via an app on the App Store.

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Tap your name - "Apple Account, iCloud and more"
  • Settings
  • In the first section, tap Subscriptions.

    Show screenshot.
    Apple Account on iPhone
  • Select the Trucker Dating subscription you want to cancel.

    Show screenshot.
    Apple Account subscriptions on iPhone
  • Tap to Cancel Subscription. You may need to scroll down to locate the Cancel Subscription button. If the button is missing or a red expiration message appears, the subscription has already been canceled.

    Show screenshot.
    Subscription screen on iPhone

Cancel a subscription on your Mac

  • Open the System Settings app.
  • Click your name - "Apple Account" in the top-right corner.
  • Click to "Media & Purchases" in the left-hand menu.

    Show screenshot.
  • Click to the "Manage..." button next to "Subscriptions" in the left-hand menu.

    Show screenshot.
  • Select the subscription you want to cancel. You may need to scroll down to locate the Cancel Subscription button. If the button is missing or a red expiration message appears, the subscription has already been canceled.

    Show screenshot.
  • Click the "Cancel Subscription" button.

    Show screenshot.

Unable to find the subscription you want to cancel?

  • If you member of family account, you need to contact your Parent or family account owber to cancel the subscription by folowing the steps above.

  • If the receipt lists another Apple Account you use, sign in to that account and follow the steps in this guide to cancel the subscription.

  • Consider contacting app support or visiting the developer's website for assistance.
    Follow by this link to discover the Trucker Dating in the App Store.

    App Support

Discover price updates of Trucker Dating subscriptions

Go Private

Only show to those you Like! Subscription for 1 month Price: $1.99 Auto-renewing, until cancelled by user

$1.991 Month

Trucker Dating VIP

Upgrade to VIP and receive all great features

$7.997 Days
7 Days trial

Trucker Dating VIP

Upgrade to VIP and receive all great features

$7.997 Days

Truckers Nearby VIP

The app is free but you can upgrade to VIP and receive all these other great features: - See who likes you - Three Flirts to increase your chances of a match - Un-do matches or mis-swipes - Show up first in results - Ability to go private - Ad free

$14.991 Month

Trucker Dating VIP

Upgrade to VIP and receive all great features

$34.991 Month

Trucker Dating VIP

Upgrade to VIP and receive all great features

$44.993 Months

Truckers Nearby VIP

The app is free but you can upgrade to VIP and receive all these other great features: - See who likes you - Three Flirts to increase your chances of a match - Un-do matches or mis-swipes - Show up first in results - Ability to go private - Ad free

$59.996 Months

Truckers Nearby VIP

The app is free but you can upgrade to VIP and receive all these other great features: - See who likes you - Three Flirts to increase your chances of a match - Un-do matches or mis-swipes - Show up first in results - Ability to go private - Ad free

$79.991 Year