New Hero Released! New Season – Hosted by
Unlock Grim Reaper and earn rewards!
Embark on a thrilling adventure with Underdark: Defense's latest event, "New Hero Released!" Dive into the excitement of a brand new season where you can unlock the formidable Grim Reaper, test his unique skills, and reap fantastic rewards along the way. Join the action-packed event and unleash the power of this mysterious hero as you strategize and conquer challenges like never before.
From November 3 to November 15, immerse yourself in the epic world of Underdark: Defense and experience the thrill of mastering Grim Reaper's abilities. Seize this opportunity to enhance your gameplay, compete with other players, and emerge victorious in this exhilarating event. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of the ultimate gaming experience – join now and let the adventure begin!
The new season starts November 3, 2024 — ends November 15, 2024.