Moodnotes User Reviews

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  • Can you make an iPad version?

    I love this app. I use it all the time. I used to use it on my phone but then I would get really distracted and just surf the web (I have ADHD and anxiety and use this to record my anxiety and motivation with school work). I use my iPad Pro strictly for productivity and school work, so I thought it’d be cool if this app was also offered for the iPad? I already am so organized through my iPad, less so with my iPhone. Besides that... this app is so great. I love scrolling back in entries and analyzing what might make me feel a certain way over time. It has helped me a lot to opening my eyes to behaviors or triggers I might not have realized. Thank you, and if it’s not too troublesome, please consider making an iPad app? Maybe not charge full price for the upgrade, but less for people who’ve already purchased this app... I’m willing to support the creation of the iPad app. I’d also be eternally grateful and I expect a lot of others will be too! Thank you so much, Michael
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  • Can you make an iPad version?

    I love this app. I use it all the time. I used to use it on my phone but then I would get really distracted and just surf the web (I have ADHD and anxiety and use this to record my anxiety and motivation with school work). I use my iPad Pro strictly for productivity and school work, so I thought it’d be cool if this app was also offered for the iPad? I already am so organized through my iPad, less so with my iPhone. Besides that... this app is so great. I love scrolling back in entries and analyzing what might make me feel a certain way over time. It has helped me a lot to opening my eyes to behaviors or triggers I might not have realized. Thank you, and if it’s not too troublesome, please consider making an iPad app? Maybe not charge full price for the upgrade, but less for people who’ve already purchased this app... I’m willing to support the creation of the iPad app. I’d also be eternally grateful and I expect a lot of others will be too! Thank you so much, Michael
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  • Phenomenal App

    Let’s chat about how the app writes its own review & how you reading these reviews need to understand that. If you find yourself in a position where things are bad & you want to find out the triggers, this is a great app. All in all it does exactly what any tracker does. It’s not fantastic as it doesn’t allow you to tap through your history and open everything up. So for the price, improvements could be made. All in all though, this app is great. I’ll stop writing now so you can read what the app wrote for me. I’m docking a star for putting words in people’s mouths.
    Here’s what the mood tracker wrote for me, note: these are not my words so be careful when reading the reviews. AI written content should be banned. ——-
    The ease of use & mood tracking is helping me understand and see patterns that I’ve overlooked in myself. Great job. From the app design to the insight it gives. Strongly recommend this to anyone wanting to visualize their patterns or simply record their moments.
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  • Most Meaningful Journaling App

    I am a longtime user of another journaling app that has brought me no joy over the many years that I have used it. I look back at the entries and there is no connectivity that I can easily discern between what my moods were, what was happening around me, and the ways that I could enhance my life in those moments to promote better outcomes.

    Moodnotes changes all that. It’s visual. It’s stimulating. With the tools that Moodnotes provides, I am able to see that connectivity, and I have that visual stimulation that I have been searching for all along.

    The prompts and facial emotes for each entry are game-changing for anyone who is trying to live in the present. You are able to use the tools in the app to take a constructive approach to what is going on inside you and around you. Moodnotes helps pave the road of your life and fill in the potholes that may sometimes appear.

    Thank you Moodnotes for having such a positive impact on my life. Thank you for your hard work and continued support for such a game-changing experience.

    *This is not a sponsored or compensated review*
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  • Really enjoying this…

    Decided to try this app when struggling with my relationship. It’s REALLY helping me get a good visual on frequency and ratio of good to bad moods… it’s also walking me through defining how I feel more elaborately, and why. Then the app takes it even further with helpful suggestions that I can control, and great articles to expand my understanding. I’d love a better way to view data, maybe more options in graph form or something, and more articles would be great, because I’m digesting them so quickly! Otherwise I am super pleased and feel more centered in myself- even self trust is increasing. I feel like I have a place to go when I feel angry, overwhelmed, or even happy and calm.
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  • just helpful and easy to use

    Of all the mood tracker apps I’ve tried, this one offers the best free plan, as you can do most things, with the exception of a few features like stats about your progress. Also, it is detailed enough, so I can better analyze my emotions. Personally, I find it extremely helpful to write out my feelings instead of internalizing them, and this app helps me to do so. It not only lets you select how your day was from terrible to awesome, but also allows you to write about your feelings and give reasons why you are feeling those things. One of my favorite features is the ability to put the intensity of each different emotion, which is very helpful. Love the app!
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  • Simple, quick, very helpful

    First of all, you should check out Moodnotes and at least try it out to see how it feels/works for you.
    Things I love about Moodnotes:
    - they give you great suggestions for emotions you may be feeling, but don’t know the right word to describe
    - you can set reminders on the app to help you remember to check in on yourself
    - it gives you the option of adding more detail to your mood (I.e. opportunity to elaborate on what happened that made you feel that way) but it’s not required if you don’t want to/don’t have time.
    - THINKING TRAPS! Describes the thinking patterns that we, as humans, tend to get stuck in and then becomes a pattern. AND how to go about changing that thought pattern.
    +++ plus they have relevant articles on a variety of mental health topics so you can learn more about anything you’re going though or feeling.
    - lastly, your moods & mood notes are automatically tracked and displayed in a graph so that you can monitor how frequent or how much your mood is changing or not.

    It’s awesome 👍🏼👍🏼 2 thumbs up from me!
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  • BEAUTIFUL UI/UX!!! Never seen anything like it

    Man, if I knew who designed this, I’d be on a hunt to steal them onto my team. This is by far the most beautiful UX and UI I’ve ever come across on the App Store.

    Aside from the design itself, it’s basically a therapist in your pocket. And one reason I bring up the UX is because—if you’re already feeling anxiety or stressed—you don’t want to jump into an app that further evokes that anxiety. The fact that it’s both extremely intuitive AND even enjoyable to use (which is not common for psyche apps), makes this the complete package.

    I’ve used it for years and my life has significantly improved as a result. And I mean this in every sense of the word. It’s directly tied to the simple and insightful ‘brain correcting’ from the app itself. There is literally no reason one should now have this in their life tool belt.
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  • Hate the new update

    This app has helped me through many struggles. I was able to change my emotions by using it. I recommended it to friends, coworkers, family members, my therapist and my DBT group. It’s really been helpful in my recovery. I haven’t had many episodes lately and when I came back to the app to help myself through some difficult situations and return to wise mind, I’m left more frustrated and upset.
    The app starts off the same. Select the feelings you are feeling then the intensity of those feelings. Then select the traps you are falling in. *Then it goes to one box to fill in how I view these traps after reading them. It goes to review and adjust the intensity of feelings. Then it goes through how to view the traps for your situation.
    *They removed the single most important step. After selecting the traps you fall in, the app would then let you go through each trap and think them through by typing them out. Effectively getting my brain to work through the problem. Without that step it’s just an app that is used more like a diary/journal.
    Please bring back the worksheet format of working through each step guiding the brain to come out of the trap. Without it I’m left still frustrated and more intense feelings.
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    Developer Response

    Hi! Thank you for taking time and sharing your concerns with us. We appreciate your comments and will consider them while working on future versions of the app. In case you would like to share more thoughts on the app, you can do so at anytime. Thank you in advance and sorry for the inconvenience caused!
  • Disappointing UI change for selecting feelings (but still a great app)

    About the selecting feelings step: choosing feelings and adjusting their intensity used to be combined into one step. It was really intuitive and fast. Now it’s separated into two steps. Sure, it feels more clunky and slow, but… depression can make that one extra step seem really hard sometimes, y’know? I think it’s really important to make tools like this as easy to use and as accessible as possible, which means reducing the number of “clicks” to streamline the experience.
    Otherwise, I recommend this app for when you’re stuck in unhelpful thoughts. It does a brilliant job of putting things in perspective and pointing out blind spots in your thinking, without invalidating your emotions. I hope the developers see this feedback and consider tweaking the UI again.
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