Email verification problems
Have yet to setup my profile
Crashed repeatedly, 404 errors everywhere
Also to note that it forces you to put in dates of your graduation which may lead to some age discrimination issues as well, for those of you who have been out of college a few years and making a career change.
So I went to look at jobs to see if it was even worth the trouble of trying to set my profile again, and simple answer no, don’t waste your time.
First there is no location service, so despite you putting in your location, it still will show you jobs across the country. I went on to my laptop to see if the full version was better but still the same, getting lots of 404 errors.
Next, it’s job category and titles are limiting, so if you have a few interests or career paths, you will be forced to scroll through hundreds of irrelevant jobs, which are also not relevant due to location too, yuck.
Final, it looks good, decent idea, but terrible functionality and connectivity issues bug this app making it unusable. Dreading to go logon to figure out how to erase my profile now.
Response from developer
Sheesh – we're so sorry we let you down 😭. First I want to thank you sincerely for really putting effort into using our app and website, despite the friction you experienced. It shows that you really believed in WayUp, and we fell short of your expectations, and I can empathize with how annoying that must have been. Since you've reviewed, we've made a ton of improvements, included but not limited to: a new search algorithm, major bug fixes to reduce the 404s you experienced, and the ability to edit your profiles inside the mobile app. Especially because you seem to have a great attention-to-detail, I'd love to have you reconsider using WayUp and learn more from your feedback. Honestly, it'd be amazing to hop on a call or just chat more over email as to how we can improve your experience further, now that we're doubling down on our mobile efforts. Feel free to shoot us an email at to coordinate! Again, we're super sorry, but think you could give us another chance🤗?