User Reviews: Good News Network

Good News Network
Good News Network
Good News Network, LLC

Top reviews

  • 💕

    I’m with you Partytyme! I’m so tired of seeing, hearing, and reading so much negativity! The world can’t possibly be such a bad place! Enter Good News Network into my life and WOW! I’m so grateful! Plus I’m learning new things with each article I read! I left the evening news and the many news apps I HAD, in favor of this one! You do a great job with the articles you provide! Keep up the good work and thank you!
  • Ads randomly pop open

    I can understand ads to help make an app pay for itself but isn’t there some law that you have to actually click on the ad for it to open? I tried to read one story and I had 2-3 ads just randomly open. It’s annoying enough I am going to remove the app. The stories are a good selection of positive news but there are only a handful a day, not enough to actually pay to remove the ads.
  • Poor English + occasional Propaganda

    Andy Corbley and other editors have made some things unintelligible with bad writing, and spiced it up with their rare but obvious political bias (dumpster flavored) which was not there with the original editor. —— Sadly no longer a 100% Safe place to get positive news. ———In a Wyoming carbon capture article it blames inflation on a person rather than the more complex economy. Demand after the pandemic & war in Ukraine etc. ——— Then in an article on on food being reclaimed from landfill has this weird unrelated tangent: “inflationary governmental fiscal policy and the centrally-planned response to COVID-19 has really damaged central California getting food” Direct quote! Nonsense. Not truthful.—— Recent article on health had weird punctuation and sentences making it not understandable. Know your attention to detail, and understanding context and facts only enhances the app. You can do better for your audience.
  • Good News App BUT ads need to be tempered

    All the details below are completely true. But a major caveat is the screen take over pop up ads. I can understand all manner of ads but these are so aggressive and pop up every 10 secs. It’s truly aggravating. I suppose they make so bad so you either subscribe to 2.99 per month or you just never open it again. Seems like there could be a middle ground? Perhaps not.
    With the onslaught of never ending news cycles focused on all the negative things happening around is, GNN is a beacon. Good things happen everyday too, and we all have far more in common than we are constantly led to believe. I like that they list sources and the stories aren't fluff pieces. I think my stress level has been slashed in half after rotating this news in.
  • Annoying ads, click themselves

    The ads are annoying. They click themselves randomly and constantly.

    Also, there is a clear bias at time politically in certain articles. This takes much away from the experience.
  • The one worth your time

    This is the news app that’s worth your time. It’s hard to get positive, uplifting, but also informative news and this is the app that gets it right. Even if you’re skeptical, just install it anyway and just take that pop-in away from your usual feed to check this one out. If you read as much as I do, you’ll notice the difference.

    Dear GNN - feature request for Dark/Dim Mode. Thanks!
  • You’re Amazing! Keep doing what you’re doing!

    No one hardly ever hears about the amazing and positive things going on in the world. It’s usually overcrowded by news containing bias, negativity, and hatred! This is where Good News Network sticks out from the crowd and tells us all the encouraging things happening in the world!

    Thank you again! I notice such a change in my perspective since downloading your app
  • Great app but beyond aggressive ads

    I really like everything about the app and the content being aggregated, it is a noble and kind deed the developer has done. I also understand that new subscriptions and retention are essential to run the organization and maintain a business. My gripe is the tactics, do the pop up ads have to completely overtake the entire screen as your reading every few minutes? A banner ad I understand, but the fullscreen pop up ad doesn’t entice me to subscribe as much as it irritate me into not using the app. It makes it feel more like browsing a spam filled random site than a legitimate news app.
  • Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for the positivity

    I love news networks that only talk about positivity. I HATE NEGATIVITY. So it’s so relieving that there’s news networks out there that truly want to make the world a better and much more fun place to be. Something I’ve noticed is that bad news shows usually look for the biggest city to look like it’s dangerous, like Detroit Michigan. I now know that they’re just targeting them to make them look bad. They always look for the biggest local city because they know they’re gonna get more bad things out of that to make the city look dangerous. You guys are nice enough to make the world look good instead of bad, and you never target a specific location just because it’s bigger and has, as it seems, more bad things. I’ve now turned away from all the negativity and I’m now focused on letting the positives control my life. Part of that is because of people like you that truly make the world a better place to be. Thanks for all that you do, it means a lot to this world.
  • Adds pop up incessantly

    The app was great cut years. Now I can make it through one article without multiple, and I literally mean multiple, adds popping up while trying to read. This is a huge distraction. I understand the need for adds; however, I’m not even clicking on them and I can barely read and article without being interrupted. No more pop up adds!

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