User Reviews: Spot

Top reviews

  • New version even better

    The new version has better social recommendations and is even easier to use. Awesome!
  • My new favorite!

    spot is a beautiful and fun way to discover new places, in your city or when traveling abroad. I love tapping into lists of local experts to find hidden gems.
  • Both beautiful and useful

    Planning a trip is usually a pretty cumbersome process, trying to cross-reference a bunch of different guides to figure out what I should do when I get there takes a lot of time and we all have our own idiosyncratic methods of organization. I LOVE that Spot seems to do all of this work for me and I can just sit back and quickly browse and save the cool things I see in a city in planning to visit. Lots of great vegan venues as well, which seldom get any love in other apps. Really looking forward to being able to add my own spots that people have told me about, then I can use Spot like my very own Pocket for the physical realm!
  • Without a Doubt It Has Potential...

    ...but it's largely useless without the ability to add new places at this point. I haven't been able to find many places in a couple of states that I love to eat at, making the ability to recommend places to friends pointless.

    The app looks great, and I could see myself using it quite a bit (instead of Yelp); but, as is, it's got a long way to go to become an app that's part of my regular routine.
  • Great app! Just what I've been looking for for years!

    Make lists, save spots, keep track of where you've been and where you want to go.. make quick notes about how it was or what you got.. follow other people and see where they're going. Get the best spots from your friends and experts. Must try!!
  • A great little way to get to know your neighbourhood

    Easy to use and navigate!
  • Really digging this

    Super clean interface with inspiring photos. Really addictive. This is going to be huge once they scale and add more locations and functionality -- like the ability to upload pics and new spots.
  • Great app that puts context around food places

    This app is great for me to see what my friends like to eat. The lists puts context around places they recommend and are easily shareable!
  • Spot Does The Trick

    I love the usability. I didn't have it in my new phone for the last trip and really missed it. Just redownloaded, and I'm already happier!
  • Force you to sign up!

    I hate apps that force you to sign up before you find out what the app does or even if you like the app at all! So I deleted the app before I even know what the app does our if I even like the app!

    Too bad! I'll just stick with yelp for now! Yelp actually let you use the app without signing up so you can test drive and see if you like the app at all!

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