Life Cycle User Reviews

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  • Great, but needs some polishing

    I’ve been paying for this app since 2019, and I use it a lot. I love it so much. It gets so much right and is a fantastic way to log lots of my life. Because I’ve used it for so long, I’ve picked up on some problems.

    This is a wish list of changes: some Apple Fitness categories, such as dancing, show up as “(null)” in the app; it’s not possible to delete some of the default categories; the app glitched and created other (null) categories that can’t be removed (and they are not from Apple Fitness or Health); the step calculation rarely matches what’s in Fitness or Health; you can’t search for any notes; clicking an activity only shows the number of visits for the current calendar year but I’d like to see it for other times; it struggles to register a location if I haven’t been there for at least 10 minutes and if I don’t connect to Wifi there; if it doesn’t record you were at a place, it’s almost impossible to add it later because the location search works only from where you currently are or around a location it’s marked before.
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  • This app does not track activities, only locations.

    I don't think the makers of this app are intentionally trying to misrepresent it but it does not track activities. It only keeps track of locations and the amount of time you spent at them. And those locations need to be too distant from each other for this app to be useful to those of us who work at home. My office and studio are about 20' from each other and not far from my bedroom and kitchen.

    You would hope this app could identify those locations, maybe from Apple Watch arm motion patterns, and differentiate desk work from studio or house work. But nope. It lumps my entire day together as being "home".

    The app also doesn't show how much time I spend using different apps such on my phone or let me designate which apps are for business, creative work, communications or leisure, let alone that it doesn't do similar by accessing such data from my use of my Macs. To sum up: this app is no use at all unless your different activities are in different locations that are sufficiently far apart. It's a waste of time to even download it if you work at home and the developers should have made that clear. It is activity categorization appears entirely location-based.

    This is also a very low resolution location tracker that's unable to differentiate locations anywhere near as precisely as Maps. If 2 locations in my home are 90’ apart it still doesn’t notice I’m not in the same place.

    It is NOT an activity monitor as claimed.
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  • Tracks location & activity history Before begin!

    First, the app wouldn't even let me use it if I chose the location services off option, Even though it asked me if I wanted to do that! I decided to enable it to see if it would work then, and it did. But then after I logged in with my Apple password, it did this creepy thing. It said it was getting to know me by looking at my location and activity history. I'm not sure what activities it's talking about, unless it means the places I'm going, according to Google. I thought I had turned that off for Google too though.

    This Would be an awesome app, if it would just let me log what I want, then it create graphs for me. That's entirely within their ability of course, but I highly suspect what they're doing is selling peoples' data. After all, it's not like Apple can check to see if apps are telling the truth about that. Even worse, is I would eventually be Paying them to access my Personal data.

    Just not worth it. I can't find a good app for what I want, and I've looked and tested a Lot. I've been considering just doing the old fashion thing of using graph paper to see trends, especially because you can see Much more at a time. There are certainly ways that would be better.
    I just like the convenience of an app on my phone, since it's nearby, and I won't lose it. However, I've been getting better about keeping up with my papers:), and I can after all put them in my pocket with a pencil:).
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  • Frustrating experience

    I love Sleep Cycle so I hoped for a similar experience with this app. It did not happen. First, I work from home. This app does not properly calculate nor let you edit work time vs non work time. It doesn’t learn. When you try to edit, the app insists on not saving changes. I’ve spent too much time making the SAME edit to the SAME day but the app refuses to save/accept the changes. Sometimes, deleting the entire day and manually entering my activities is successful. But that defeats the purpose of paying a subscription for an app that is supposed to do this for me. It’s also nearly impossible to subtract my ‘lunch’ time from my ‘work’ time. So the data isn’t correct.

    I would have given this feedback directly to the developer but their support link does not work. The subscription is WAY too expensive for a service that doesn’t perform its basic function. The experience with this app could not be more different than that of Sleep Cycle.
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  • Really Wanted to Like, But Not For Me**

    First, the app is physically unusable for the first 36 hours, which is kind of crummy because they offer the free trial BEFORE they tell you you can’t do anything with it for the first day and a half. It didn’t affect me because I never sign up for free trials until I’ve tried the actual free stuff.

    Okay, it promised me fantastic insights if I let it run, so I did. And it turns out—I stay at home. I was already aware. Any other insights or logging (exercise, sleep, activities) seemed to require a subscription.

    Maybe if you aren’t turned off at the get-go like I was and actually chanced the subscription, it’s great. Or, you know, work outside the home and enjoy a social life. I recognize that this is a *me* problem, but if there are more me’s out there, figure I’d save you the 36 hours.
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  • Could be stunning

    Update: I should’ve confessed by now something LifeCycle has been telling me for years- either I waste a lot of time, take my time or am just slow. Challenge yourself to find out what you’ve been hiding from yourself. ——————— ——————— ——————— ——————— ———————
    I know I reviewed this before and always with the same comments. It's great, even when we don't go anywhere- I sometimes grab a screenshot or photo to mark a transition from one activity to another and add so many in manually later. There's not enough resolution to know from my Nia, Yoga or swimming in the same complex. I wouldn't expect it, don't know why other reviewers did and why they dropped 🌟 because of it. 🙄 My only (only?) issues are the colors and icons. Why so few? I've re-useds icons but they've often not been appropriate for any category. The same goes for the colors; the dreary, dreary colors. A color wheel could make us happy and how thrilling it would be if you bought or designed as many icons as there are now! What if even half of those had the subtle, sneaky movement some of the original have? Imagine how amazing your app would be!
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  • Only one recommendation

    I like the app a lot but my biggest complaint is the inability to combine activities. For example, if I’m home, I often have friends over and that time won’t be logged as with friends with will be logged as home. I think we should be able to combine activities rather than I have to manually put the activity in. Other than that, I like the app in general. Update: I also remembered I get annoyed when I visit work for non-work reasons (I work at a grocery store and movie theater so sometimes I’m shopping or seeing a movie) and it’s just logged as work because of the location. I don’t know to manually change that and it messes up my work hours.
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  • Long-term app user

    I’ve been using this app in the background for about 3 years now. It’s super helpful for understanding how and where I spend my time, especially when I was working at multiple locations and needed to log my hours accurately. Honestly, it’s given me a better perception of how long it actually takes to commute, how much time I spend walking my dog in the morning, or how long it’s been since the last time I saw my Grandma. It’s also motivational since it will note an increase or a decrease of certain activities, such as time spent at the gym, throughout your week.
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  • Work Great Assuming You Put in Work

    I've used this app all across the world for years. It works great, assuming you take the time to double-check it. After you tell it the place and the activity, it will believe that's what you are doing every time you go to that area. Sometimes you are doing something different in that same area, so you must change that entry. There is no way for your phone to know that you are doing something different. Also, keep your locations generic. For example, when you go to the airport, don’t track every gate. Just label the entry airport. Over time this creates a better tracking experience.
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  • Needs Better Customization

    I drive a lot for work. I might make 20+ stops in a small area daily. Since we can’t choose a customized zone on the map to label for an activity, I have to change multiple “mystery activities” to show as “work”. I don’t feel like tediously going to each day in the app, manually picking each mystery activity, changing it to “work,” then going back out and repeating it a bunch of times.

    This lack of control makes this app halfway-useless for me since I can’t accurately tell how much of my day, week, or month is actually spent driving around for work.

    This app might be fantastic for people with “normal” jobs where they drive to one building each day, but for anyone on-the-go, it takes a ton of time to feed the app info to make it relevant.
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