Utterly useless as it is
I’ll admit the concept is good but the execution is poor, this app is almost 3 years old and in my area UK most of the ‘job posts’ are people around 16 saying need job. I looked around the world and I found very few real job posting, most posts where once again people asking for employment or work.
This app could be useful if they changed aspects and made it so you have to do a bit more than an email and password to join as a worker, maybe qualifications experience etc.
If you added the option to hire or be hired you could stop people from clogging the system with ‘looking for work’ and other such comments. This would make it easier for those with job offers to be seen.
Most of the time employers don’t go out on websites and look for people they put the posting out and people look for the employers, so changing this won’t effect those using the app in a negative way as they wouldn’t normally get work in the first place.
They have a 5 star concept but the execution is so flawed that it undermines the concept and leads to an honest review of 1 star