积目 User Reviews

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Response from developer

您好,实在抱歉给您带来了不好的体验感受,平台对于用户资料的监管是非常严格的,关于您反馈的问题建议可提供违规账号信息,平台会进一步核实情况的。如有疑问可联系客服咨询。1、app-对话-刘波(官方客服),输入“转人工”咨询; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。

Fake account everywhere

Really disappointing and gonna delete the app. This app used to be good since I started using 5 yrs ago, and had a lot of high quality real human users. Not it has so many fake accounts. Push notifications are annoying and they are essentially click baits.

Authoritarian at its worst

What makes this app interesting is that you can publish short posts and reply to those of others, like twitter, which makes it possible for users to interact with each other directly. However, in several occasions, my perfectly normal remarks, even devoid of any critique, were regarded by the stupid system as “vulgar language”, which is absolutely irrelevant. Moreover, in all of these occasions, my appeals to the customer service were denied without any explanations. As such, one could only be led to the title!
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Response from developer

您好,系统会对账号上传内容及发布信息等进行检测,若检测到可能存在敏感内容才会拦截,建议您可尝试更换其他内容发布。若您有其他问题,可联系客服进一步咨询。客服咨询渠道有:1、积目app内,点击“对话”-“刘波(官方客服)”,输入“转人工”; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。

拉黑了一个很没品的男的 然后他举报我广告骚扰居然成功?为什么不给我看他举证的内容呢

请给个说法 不然真的不想用了

Response from developer

您好,系统对于平台所有用户均会监管,若您发现有行为异常的用户,可点击头像进行举报。对于所有举报内容,平台也都会积极核实处理,且只有核实违规属实才会进行相应处理哦。而具体举证内容涉及账号隐私,只有核实专员可查看,请您谅解。若您在使用过程中遇到了其他问题,还请您及时联系客服处理。1、app-对话-刘波(官方客服),输入“转人工”咨询; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。



Response from developer

您好,很抱歉给您带来了不好的体验,请问您在使用过程中遇到了什么问题呢,您可及时联系客服处理。1、app-对话-刘波(官方客服),输入“转人工”咨询; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。



Response from developer

您好,积目用户均为自主注册,活跃用户较多,建议您可以根据用户兴趣,主动回复与兴趣相关的内容,可大大提高回复几率。若您在使用过程中遇到了其他问题,还请您及时联系客服处理。1、app-对话-刘波(官方客服),输入“转人工”咨询; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。

hard to use

Hard to add any pictures

Response from developer

您好,关于您的问题建议可联系客服提供上传图片进一步咨询。1、app-对话-刘波(官方客服),输入“转人工”咨询; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。

Use with caution

Aggressive marketing approach.
Protect your privacy

It’s still a okay app for meeting new people (majority isn’t your normal ppl expectation). I wish there was a function to stop cam users from calling you

Response from developer

您好,感谢您提出的宝贵建议,我们会根据用户反馈不断进行优化改进。若您遇到其他问题,您可及时联系客服处理。1、app-对话-刘波(官方客服),输入“转人工”咨询; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。

Language change

Is there there’s an option for English but there’s no way I can change it to English 😣, if u could give me a hand here, I downloaded this app coz I wanna learn Chinese by talking to real life mandarin native speakers , but I don’t even understand whatever is goinj one coz I can’t change it to English 😭😭😭😭
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Response from developer

您好,感谢您提出的宝贵建议,我们会根据用户反馈不断进行优化改进。若您遇到其他问题,您可及时联系客服处理。1、app-对话-刘波(官方客服),输入“转人工”咨询; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。


rubbish app

Response from developer

您好,很抱歉给您带来了不好的体验,请问您在使用过程中遇到了什么问题呢,您可及时联系客服处理。1、app-对话-刘波(官方客服),输入“转人工”咨询; 2、拨打客服热线:4008255900。

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