Suddenly stopped working for me
Response from developer
Checking on you Stephterao, let's know if this issue has been resolved or not? If not, then please contact us through (Contact Us) button in About. Ff it has been resolved, then we'll appreciate it if you would kindly update the comment and the rating. Thank you. ----- Hello again, We'd like to hear more about this issue to be able to assist you, kindly reach out to us through the (Contact us) button in Settings or directly through, please send us a screenshot of any error messages. Looking forward to hear back from you Stephterao!, thank you. ------ A previous response----- Thanks for subscribing dear Stephterao! Please double check if the subscription is active, if not, then click the (Restore Prurchase) button. If the problem persists, kindly let's know through the Contact Us button in About section so we can support you efficiently. Furthermore, we will appreciate it if you could update the rating and your comment once the issue is fixed, thank you again.