Top reviews

  • Misleading as a free game

    Square I’m a big fan of a lot of your games and will probably end up getting FF XV on my ps4 one day. I’ve been eating for a while to try the pocket edition and was surprised to see it free. Now I know it says that the first chapter is free in the description, but I think it be better just to have people pay for it in the first place. Stuff like this makes me and probably a whole lot of other people mad. It’s misleading to say it’s free when it’s really not. It be better to call this a demo if anything cause at least then you get more downloads and people won’t feel like you played them for there money. That’s my only problem however I enjoyed playing the pocket edition in the time I played. I haven’t played a whole lot but I got lost in the short time I played. You did make the game fun first which is what really matters. Just please if your gonna get into these big phone games at least have the free things as it’s own separate download from the actual purchases. Saves are on clouds I’m sure you can find ways to transfer the save file easily. I’m just a fan trying to make things better. This would be a 4 Star if it wasn’t for the half misleading free that even got me to download this. Thank you.
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  • Great game!

    So far, I’m only an hour or so in. When I first heard about this game, I was unsure of how it would work. Like others have said, it’s basically a “lite” version of the console counterpart, which means some things have been stripped. Regardless of this, I found myself hooked enough to play it for over an hour!

    The battles seem to be auto, aside from warping and team attacks. I read that you could change it so you have more control, but I haven’t been able to find the option to do so. Even with auto battle, the combat is still fun.

    The game doesn’t come without some negatives, though. First off, the game isn’t fully optimized for iPhone X. During the first few minutes of the game, some of the text was hidden by the screen notch. The home indicator bar also isn’t disabled while playing the game, which distracts from the immersion. These are a few things I’d like to see fixed in the next update.

    Aside from those things, the walking can be annoying at times. To walk forward, you have to position your thumb at the top of the screen, which blocks your view. An alternative control scheme where you have the option to turn on a virtual analog stick would be great.

    I’ll end with this; if you’re a fan of Final Fantasy XV (or Final Fantasy games in general), then this is a must download! The first chapter is free, so you can get a feel for it. If it’s your cup of tea, the whole thing costs around $20. A great price to pay for playing FFXV on the go!
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  • Pretty Awesome

    So I haven’t played a Final Fantasy game before. I’ve played Brave EXVIUS and mobius, but I just haven’t gotten around to buying an actual game and playing it. Was planning to buy XV, and the remake of VII when it comes out, and now I’m really going to try. Kudos to you guys for that.
    This mobile version is super fun. All of the mechanics are much simpler than they most likely are on Console, but for mobile the combat is very fun. I like how the warping was implemented into the game so some places had the warp kills, and you could jump around in battles to go from one enemy to the next.
    My only real complaint is that sometimes character dialogue overlaps really annoyingly, but it isn’t enough to ruin the game
    Overall though, the graphics are good, the game is fun and I can’t wait to buy more chapters. Good work, all the people who made this.
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  • Compatibility Problem

    So in the App Store for pre-purchase and even now it says the device is compatible with iPhone 6 Plus iOS 10+. Load up the game and it pops a warning stating the device is not compatible. Get through the intro and hit the loading screen and it crashes. Square if you submit your game to Apple and claim it’s compatible with specific devices and then release the game with it being incompatible with those devices, that would be false advertising.

    If you end up getting this on a compatible device and play through for awhile, just like in the PS4 version you continue to get new pieces added to the combat to help you learn how to play over time. The combat isn’t near as complicated as on the console, but this is a mobile game and geared towards a larger audience, so that’s to be expected. For those of you complaining that the entire game isn’t free, you’re an entitled, spoiled, child. Why should someone work to put something out and not get paid for the work they do? Not every game is free with in app purchases to entice those that want to pay to win to throw money at it just so some people can play for free. If you want to play the full game, pay the $20. Console and handheld games are more than twice that price, and the game is worth it, if you can get past the loading screen with an actual compatible device. Not sure if that little issue is an Apple or Square one, but it’s pretty frustrating. Fix that and I’ll bump it to 5 stars.
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  • Favorite game made easily accessible

    I am a huge fan of this game but a tad skeptical about the pocket edition, and I downloaded the app with an open mind to give it a chance and not automatically criticize it for not being the same size with open world features like its PS4/XBox counterpart. I want to start off by saying I absolutely love it! The darker scenes are a little hard to take seriously with their cute designs, but shoot, they’re so adorable I couldn’t care less.

    Now, I can only give a review based on the first chapter, as that’s all I’ve played through before writing this. And this review will just entail things I’ve encountered that I’d like to give my two cents on: on the loading screen when the game is downloading, the character profile slideshow should transition from image to image at a slower rate, because even a fast reader wouldn’t be able to catch everything the first time. Secondly, battle/after battle banter changes languages. I’m guessing because there’s no English audio for some of the dialogue. It makes it a little awkward when I expect English and get German. For now, that’s about it, but I might have more as I play the rest of the story.

    Great app nonetheless!!
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  • Great game! Few complaints...

    Of course this game will never live up to the original, from the controls to the graphics to just content. But what this game brings to the table as a MOBILE game is amazing. It really doesn't look bad. It still has the same rpg contents and leveling system. It has a dumbed up but pretty much same version of the story. Only complaint is that on my iphone 6s plus, this game chews through my battery. ( of course, im playing on max settings and havent tried out regular settings ) it may not actually eat batteries as fast as it does on reg settings. It also takes up alot of space which is of course expected... but if i had an extra ipad where i played all my games, or had a more powerful phone with lots of storage this game would be 6/5 stars. Square didnt screw up this game which is great. Looking forward to see what other people will find in this game.
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  • Perfect for those who don’t have time for the full game

    I’ll start out by saying that this game is basically a lite version of FFXV. Not just the graphics but there are a lot of other things missing. Driving is simplified, towns, maps and camera angles are simplified. Battles are simplified. Many of the minor side quests aren’t there anymore. But none of that matters.
    As someone who has owned FFXV for 2 years, I can admit I have never gotten past chapter 3. Not from a lack of skill but from a lack of time. I’ve been playing the series since FF1 on a NES. I love playing all FF games, I just don’t have the downtime I used to have to commit to a 100+ hour game at home.
    However, this game solves that problem. You get 90% if the game, all the major story, in a package I can pick up any time. So what that the camera doesn’t move anywhere. That the world isn’t as open as before. The good stuff is still there. All the scenes, all the voice acting and most importantly all the story.
    If you suffer from the same problem in modern console games, this one is perfect. I really hope SE applies this model to many other games in the series.

    Also, the game has been some what future proofed. On an iPhone X you can basically play on a “medium” graphics setting. Setting it higher starts to lag. I assume that on better future hardware you will be able to crank up the graphics settings.
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  • Hands-Down Best Mobile Game Out There

    Square Enix could not have been more on-the-mark with this amazing release. Its art style is smooth and compliments your mobile device without losing the trademark “feel” of a Final Fantasy game. The easy transitions from gameplay to high quality cutscenes and fluidity in both regular exploration and combat will make you wonder how no one else has even gotten close to the quality of this game. The dubbed character voices + subtitles is exactly what I would have wanted and was executed perfectly.
    As for actual in-game content and progression, it is a Final Fantasy game. No more turn-based combat and a great/easy to follow story (even for those inexperienced with Final Fantasy).
    This is a must-have, and for the low price of.... FREE? You should have already downloaded it. Can’t wait for the next chapters.
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