Mobile Legends User Reviews

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  • I hate the reporting system. Get it fixed.

    I love mobile legends more than the next person, however this reporting is thoroughly ridiculous. Before downloading, I suggest reading both my, and other’s feedback. Being reported for being AFK (Away from keyboard/device), Feeding (Not playing it safe) and Low skill is so nasty! I got reported for feeding and now I can’t play ranked! What is wrong with you!? It’s hurtful! Think of others! Stuff that should be reported should be swearing, hatefulness, scamming, all of that stuff! And what do you do? Exactly! You should know! Think of the new players, people who don’t know how to play that well, etc! If you’re afk, just tell your team and you should be fine! Please remove the current reporting system, and make it fair and reasonable! The bullying is so extreme! They call people terrible and horrendously names, report you for reasons that feel like bullying, and you should read other’s feedback too for more! If you don’t get this bullying fixed, fix that reporting system and become more strict, you’re game could possibly get shut down because of cyber bullying. What would happen to your company’s reputation!? I love mlbb, but I don’t want to play if this is what happens. I love your company, and I don’t want to see it destroyed because of this.

    - An angry player, IsLoves Puppies YT
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  • Favourite game, but I have a big issue

    I agree with all the other previous reviews so I won’t praise the game (as much as I should probably since I play it everyday) because right now I am quite frustrated and have no other way of contacting/sending a report to the ‘game’, there is no option in the application.
    I have a serious problem with other players reporting me for example feeding - just because they abandon me so the other team kills me 4vs1 - and then they call me names and tell me to die and im a noob etc, then report me for feeding?!?! I get instantly banned for awhile, it’s happened maybe 3 times to me in a couple of months but the point is someone should first look at the video of the game and not just punish gamers right away... it’s not cool that when i report rude and mean people who insult me I get no feedback, but theirs sometimes does (again, instantly so nobody has certainly checked who is telling the truth). I have been threatened, insulted, (not to mention when they see that I am a girl then the real fun begins with rude and inappropriate comments) etc. during games, even after the game is finished they find my private chat and continue, I can block them but not report them. Not cool. It is making me thinking of quiting because I hate injustice. I had to say it.
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  • Really fun but needs some fixes

    First of all I have to say this game is really fun and I have been playing for more than 2 years now. I like this game because it is not just pay to win. You need skill and determination to win matches which makes this a really interesting game. The gameplay is amazing and matches are mostly fair. I say mostly fair because I still get matched up with feeders and afk people even after the credit score update. However, this is still a great game and Moonton is doing a great job by constantly improving it. Sadly, every hero Moonton releases is OP and breaks the game. Literally every new hero they release is broken and Moonton doesn’t do much to balance them until months later. But until they are balanced, it is really frustrating to go against them. However, one thing makes matches more fair and that is draft pick because in draft pick you can ban heroes. But draft pick is only for epic rank and above and if you haven’t reached there yet, it will just be versing the same OP heroes every round and losing a lot. With all being said I still think this game is really good but needs a lot of improvement. Thank you for taking time to read this long review ;)

    P.S. I can’t update to mobile legends 2.0 on iOS 13.1.2 right now. Is there something I’m missing or is it not available on iOS 13.1.2 yet? Please reply.
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  • Credit Score

    The game is really fun. I’m glad I can play a game like this on mobile now. The only thing that’s stopping me from being able to enjoy as much as I want to, is the credit score. There have been times where my wifi has cut out or my phones gone flat mid game and when I get back, the game’s telling me that my credit score has gone down by 5+ points and now I can’t play chess mode or ranked. I wasn’t intentionally trying to afk or make my team lose and feeling that it was unfair to lose credit score for that.
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  • Fix Matchmaking

    People keep asking why there’s so many bullies? Why people keep talking badly about new players? It’s obviously because of the matchmaking, not the person in general. I’ve played Classic so many times and the amount of games I’ve gotten where I have Elite, Grandmasters and Warriors on my side while the enemy team has Legends and Mythics. You guys need to fix the matchmaking, it’s not even fair for the new players. How are they suppose to learn how to play if all they can do is die considering you match good players with new players.

    You need to seperate Warriors - Master and Grandmasters - Mythics because it’s not fair at all whatsoever. I’ve been losing and I’ve not been enjoying the game because I keep getting unbalanced teammates, I understand it’s at random but the amount of times I’ve been paired up with new players against pro players. How is that fair? Even when I have pro teammates and we’re going up against rookies it’s sad because they can’t learn how to play.

    This might actually raise your stars up if everything is balanced out more because even after losing 7 games, I get one good game and that’s it, is this how the game runs? You lose 7 matches so you’re automatically paired up with rookie enemies? Please fix the matchmaking, it’s unfair on everyone that plays.
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  • Terrible CS

    I have played this game for over two years. I have invested days worth of play time and quite a few dollars, as well. However, after reinstalling because of constant lag on multiple stable networks (which I had to do numerous times over the years), I was one day unable to access my account. I was not overly concerned, and hit up the CS robot (the only option), followed the steps, and submitted all forms, documents and proof of account ownership required. After several days, I did it again. And so on....for over a month now. All with the same result-empty air. Not even a cricket chirp. It is hard to put into words how let down...taken advantage of...robbed...I feel. I really don’t know what else to say except my last post to the “Customer Support Bot” of “Your CS is non existent and I REALLY didn’t want to have to be put in a position where I had to ask for my money back and write a bad review for this game. However, the lack of....anything....on your part in resolving my lost account issue leaves me with literally no other choice. Except just saying “oh well”, which I will not do. I literally don’t have the words to express how disappointed I am.” .....(Thanks copy/paste). I was going to post a few pictures here to demonstrate the process I repeated multiple times, but apparently that’s not possible. This is only the second time I have ever written a review of anything in my life. Good luck all.
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  • It’s okay...

    The overall concept of the game is good, it’s just that a lot of the characters you can pick from are overpowered by a lot, especially if you destroy a lot of turrets or get exp an easier way than killing people as the level rises in gameplay by destroying things (basically) and even if you are the same class (like marksman) there are characters that are overpowered.

    Another thing is that the wait time for resplendent during a match is really long. Even if you die once, the time you have to wait is over 20 seconds. Sometimes it’s over 30. Maybe make the time shorter...?

    Last thing is that if someone goes afk during a match, if the team that has that player on loses, they should not lose a star in rank. It isn’t those players fault that the person left and they were outnumbered. Even if there is ‘auto-pilot’ or something like that, we still should not be punished for that. Keep the stars the same. I’m not trying to throw any shade on this game, just being honest.
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  • Unfair reporting, strange matchmaking, but great gameplay

    1. The reporting system is really unfair. Being able to report a player for ‘low skill’ or ‘feeding’. Most people wouldn’t enter this game with the intention of being the worst player in their team. I’ve been on the receiving end of bullying in game chat, as well as reports for having a lower KD ratio than other higher level players with top line heroes to play with.

    2. My first two days playing this game I was rewarded with mvp on a number of occasions, against formidable opponents relative to my skill level. Now I’m constantly being matched against ‘Elites’ and the like, people who p2p, with top tier heroes, skins, the works. Which leaves a noob like me in a crappy position. I want to play the game, I want to get better and build my skill, but I’m finding that difficult when I’m constantly put down by my teammates and now regularly the worst player in the losing team.

    3. Overall, the gameplay and concept is fantastic, the graphics are great, occasionally I get lag issues, but nothing too bad. Just the other points mentioned above that make it hard to want to keep playing. Nobody likes to lose, but nobody wants to be targetted by master players for being a noob.
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  • Big improvement needed.

    I loved playing Mobile legends and I haven’t played it in a while. So I decided to pick up the game and play it with my cousin. HOWEVER I am fairly disappointed with the changes and what have been added. I highly suggest that you remove the option to ban someone because of their “low skill”. I think that is just being mean. It also shows disgusting behaviour of other players from around the world saying very mean things. They banned my cousin for being bad. And my cousin was a new player. I feel like this is a feature you need to get rid of. Because it’s not making people happy. And certainly won’t make first timer people choose to play this game again. It’s through options to ban people because of low skill is what’s causing cyber bullying or so to happen.

    My suggestion is if you want people to enjoy your game. Remove that option. You basically copied league of legends and that’s why you got sued and lost money. League doesn’t do that, which is why they are successful. You need to give people a chance when they are still learning. And people with foul language in the chat should automatically be banned by the game developers.

    Please don’t be a disappointment for the future. I have high hopes for this game to improve.
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  • 👀👌🏻

    This is an amazing game with little lag and even though it’s the first online game I ever played, the app is really great and extremely fun. However, I wish that there would be a chat feature in brawl where you can tell or ask the other players something before the beginning of the match, but other than that, this game has been a wonderful experience with the arcade games and the excitement of completing a heroes story is really fun and rouses curiosity!
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