Mobile Legends User Reviews

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  • Wow

    New update doesn’t allow u to by a jungle item unless u have the jungle spell called retribution. They can’t balance hero’s correctly so the take on the role of change the way u spend your coins in-game. Bad bad idea. The only reason they did that other than just balance hero’s is only because they wanted to make the people who new what to by weaker in-game. And there’s a certain hero this really messes with if you know how he works. This is the lowest this game has gotten and it really hasn’t been that great, yeah let’s take the fun of knowing how to play away from people but let totally forget about the higher ranks cheating for things like a maniac(4 kills in a row) or maniac(5 kills in a row). Let not worry about them at all take away my items bc I don’t need a spell just so I can’t achieve those “as easy”. This game has gone down hill so much tryin to be like League of Legends(LoL) and as long as it’s been out, it has never been on the same level. The creators get their dicks hard on a new hero making them OP (overpowered) then barely nerf them as they realize that hero is too strong. Good job moonton for letting your longest lasting fans down. Only way your getting a good rating anymore is from someone who just discovered this game after the update. Not that they care about the people who have been playing anyways.
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    My account was hacked despite having multiple backups. I was told nobody could access my account if it was backed up to moontoon without having access to my email. My account was hacked and they managed to add their google play and VK account while my apple, Facebook and moonton accounts were connected. Support ignored my emails and wouldn’t help me even though they could clearly see I had been hacked. They took all the money I spent and have blocked my account. They keep telling me to login and create a ticket to contact them but I can’t. Nobody has even bothered to help and I’ve lost a lot of money that I spent on this game.

    Don’t purchase anything, all they want is your money and will do nothing to help you if something happens to your account
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  • Can you allow me to join please

    The title says it all. But I have more. Moonton if you’re going to make a moba game at least make it original like smite or something but this is basically lol(league of legends)but the characters have different names. Also unpopular opinion but for someone who doesn’t really play on pc or mobile but more in console I would like the game to be installable on console....ik it’s literally called “mobile” but like I’m sure it would be better for me and possibly other players who want to play. Why are the characters so ridiculously expensive but you barely get any gold plz either 1.make the characters less expensive or 2.give us more gold or 3.both..... and that is why I gave you 3 stars but I’ll still keep the game on my phone incase you actually listen to your players fir once. Btw I’m pretty sure you lie about the rewards if you for example installed ml but the other game...I remember you saying that if we installed it we would get a skin spoiler alert I haven’t gotten the skin, and the tiktok account you said you have that was also a lie so I’ll change your railing from three all the way down to one. Oh yea there’s more I’ll wright it in Chinese so you understand 给我们更多他妈的是日常的奖励。我们从字面上只能得到50金。我们中的某些字体能使我们花大钱,所以我们不能漫不经心地花钱,所以我们不能他妈的买更多的钱。所以给我们更多的金!
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  • Really disappointing game

    Been playing this game for a while now on and off and when I got back into this game I realized how unbalanced this game really is, like seriously if they get something as broken as valir it’s just game over because they can invade more much a 5 man invade cause apparently that’s a thing in this game. It’s just so unfair when you have 2 people or 3 forcing to defend a buff that’s 50/50 against a 5 man when it should be 100/0 for the team defending it. I don’t understand how these creators made this game. It’s just a money making machine, that’s not gonna be fixed anytime soon. What I’m saying is that fix your game or this game gonna be dead when wildrift comes out. And for any new people that want to install this game warning, this game is unfair and unbalanced. Trust me I’m a mythic 1000 stars I know what I’m talking about. I’ve experienced a lot of stuff. Even the matchmaking I get players that are mythic 5 when the opposing team all have 500 stars and above that’s how crazy this game is. If your trynna climb solo, trust me buddy you ain’t getting far. You either have to be in a team of 5 or else your gonna get players that go 0/8 like I did earlier on today and lost the game due to it. It doesn’t matter how much skill you have this game depends on your team more than yourself so if your really good at this game and have trash teammates it’s a loss. Moonton I’m really disappointed I loved this game back then now it’s just so unbalanced and unfair.
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  • great but a few issues

    I have been playing this game for quite a while now, i love how all the different heroes are unique and that they all have a different story! the gameplay can be fun although the community can sometimes be extremely toxic. Although, and i know many will agree with me that the connection stability needs to improve! Whenever i join into a match then i see the reconnecting symbol and i was waiting there for ages until my game was fine again! i sometimes even have to leave, turn my connection off then back on and come back! it takes ages and the worst part is that my bar was still full the whole time?? I had this experience many times and it really annoys me that i come back after a long time and my team is already weak and doomed to loose.
    Another con i would like to mention is that many experienced players are being dragged down by their less-experienced team mates which resulting in a loss. This is extremely annoying as we need good teamwork to be able to have victory and not just carrying a team by themselves? This has happened to be countless times and my win rate has fallen drastically.
    Please could you guys take in my review and improve on those areas! thank you!
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  • Bad Matchmaking & Cheating

    Cheating is becoming more and more prominent and the developers seem to be doing nothing about it! Groups of people will often rig a match by matching up at the same time and having one side forfeit the match around the 6 or 7 minute mark, or do nothing while the enemy destroys your towers and base. They do this because the system for global ranking heroes encourages players to have a high win rate and to cheat the system they rig matches to increase their heroes’ winrate.

    I’ve recently reached the highest ranked league in the game and enjoy playing this game a lot. The only thing I think that would help improve the quality of this game is matchmaking in classic mode. It’s unfair to those who have just started the game to go against top-level players. The players don’t get enjoyment or learn much because of the tremendous skill gap. It’s like trying to teach an elementary school kid advanced physics when they haven’t learnt the basics. If this could be improved it would make the game more enjoyable for more people.
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  • Great game but it has its flaws

    I have enjoyed this game for about a year and a half now. I would like to say that it is perfect, but it has its flaws. One of the BIGGEST thing is that not everyone is good at the game. You may be wondering why this is a problem.. It’s because it will always put me with a bunch of people that feed (constantly die), while the other team is always full of pros, that dominate the noobs on my team. Another issue is that it will tag out a lot of words, heck it even tags out some of its own her names. I will be trying to explain to someone something, but it’s half in asterisks. On the topic of the chat, it will mute you for 2 hours if you trash talk a lot. It sometimes muted me for no reason. I don’t cuss, or talk bad most of the time, so it’s no reason for me to be muted. Being muted is really annoying because someone might have a pice of equipment that they should upgrade or delete. I can’t tell them however, as I am muted. One of the last problems is the community. This kinda goes with everyone being horrible, but people just talk trash a lot. I do like that there is a mute feature (makes it so you can’t see said persons chats), but it can be annoying to use because they might say something helpful.
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  • Mobile legend Changes

    This is a fun game with great potential, can easily be a 5 star game, however the whole match up system is terrible, they put you with people who don’t speak the same language and look like they’ve never played a video game like a bunch of cave men discovered fire. The game can’t really tell how good you are and if it did it should probably team you up with more comprehensive people, and yeah I understand the more games you win the better match ups you get, hah not! really I loose because I get cavemen on my team or straight up children probably who have gotten carried by goats and landed their way into a match they don’t deserve. What they need to do to change this game from a headache to a hand magnet is to stop the whole team cc bs, what I’m talking about is the ability to troll your own teammates because you don’t know how to play the game or are just mad that someone is better than you, ban jawhead, understand that there’s a potion for it but there is no need for one, waste of my time to worry about shitheads, oh and definitely change the matchup options like play with people in U.S only and team up against whoever, I swear the lack of communication and comprehension in this game makes you really want to bad mouth this game.
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  • I love this game, but about favoritism...

    I love this game I’ve been playing it for a really long time and really the only character I use is cyclops, a character that’s been in the game for as long as I known. You don’t know how excited I get when I find out they’re releasing a new skin for him, cuz he literally only has like 4 skins as of this review. Then I see a character like Miya (the main cover of the game) and she has all these cool skins they added for her, and then I see Layla which is a character that’s used a lot and she has a lot of skins too, and then there’s new characters that get added to the game and they get a lot of attention and end up getting a lot of skins as well. I kinda get bummed out cuz I feel like they should focus on hyping up every character so people can spread out and maybe find interests in playing other characters, because the characters who get a lot of skins are pretty much the ones being over used every game, like you mostly see a lot of Layla’s and Miyas and stuff. I know cyclops isn’t the only character that’s been thrown in the alley, theres absolutely more people who would like to see their main get some good skins.
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  • customer service center is terrible

    Game is awesome and it is getting better and better. But customer center is terrible and they just make me mad. Their customer service center is the most worst one I have ever had. I have reported some issues a couple of time as following poor experiences:
    1. Take a couple of days for customer service center to give me for per response
    2. No help and No response at the end. After touched a couple of times, customer service center doesn’t not give you any response at the end. It took me like a week, and not answer at all. It doesn’t provide any helps at all.
    3. No any result at the end. I have reported issues a couple of time. I never got any result to tell what’s going on in my report
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