Silent Depth Submarine Sim User Reviews

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  • Medals and Game Saves

    It took me a while to figure this out….but this is a game where you MUST NOT DIE, or you lose everything and literally start from scratch.
    So if you’re even close to being killed…,close the app and start your saved game again. People claim that getting medals is impossible. Not true…but you won’t get them if you keep getting killed.
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  • Good game

    It’s a good game but I think it needs a graphic overhaul and being able to go below test depth because the fleet submarines could usually go below test depth relatively safely
  • Bug. Game resets

    The game resets to the beginning after getting passed 2 months. I paid for this app so please fix it
  • Good Concept, full of bugs

    Paid 5 bucks for this game as it made me think of Silent Runner, an old console game. This could be a great game if it were not full of bugs: ships that don’t show on the screen, inaccurate distance indicators, ship not turning when rudder is full right or left… often I had to restart the game, lose progress to continue game play.

    Game could also benefit from improvements such as target zoom, ability to attack docked ships, AA Gun….

    As it is, it is not worth the “investment”.
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  • Great game, but could be better.

    I love this naval combat submarine game, but however, it would be a lot better to have infinite reloads for the deck gun on the submarine, especially missions to escort allied aircraft carriers and including other friendly vessels like allied destroyers, battleships, cruisers and allied submarines, attacking enemy aircraft carriers, enemy cruisers, torpedoing enemy battleships, battling against enemy submarines, destroying enemy destroyers and infiltrating enemy naval ports.
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  • I still enjoy - but bugs still exist

    I am getting unidentified ships that travel at 0 knots- but still can increase distance while sub is standing still
    (The ships view like cruisers or destroyers)

    Sometimes on the bridge view the rudder is missing

    Bring back oil debris and junk…counter measures- that the PC game had

    Please don’t abandon the game on IOS
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  • Good, but could be better

    In addition to the comments others have made, I have experienced encounters were none of the ships are identified. They are clearly destroyers and light cruisers, but they are identified in the game as simply ship. When sunk they go the correct tonnage. But it worse they don’t attack. They usually accompany carrier and battleships in the large targets, but I have had it happen in medium too.

    Another fix is that sometimes the crew will not reload torpedos. I have had to run from large targets because I empty the FWD and AFT tubes, but it won’t reload. There are usually a couple more destroyers to sink and I can do anything about with torpedos.

    Great start to a game, but needs many fixes.
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  • Good game… but…

    This is by far one of the better WW2 simulator games I’ve played on a device. I love that I don’t have to calculate exactly when to fire the torpedoes based on distance speed and trajectory. However a few notes

    1) I feel like the patrol zone should change every time you return to port to refuel and rearm. Half the time when I’m supposed to patrol a zone on the other side of the map, I use up have my fuel getting from Wake/Midway Islands just to the patrol zone. I even engage some ships as well, making my stay in the zone even shorter.

    2) Some of the large Japanese fleets that I’ve encountered, numbering around 10-12 ships, glitch. To the point where it doesn’t even identify what type they are, it just says “ship”. It also doesn’t give a speed reading, it says “0 kts”. Which is fine I suppose but when I try to sink them they won’t go down.

    3) Air cover. I recently attacked an aircraft carrier in the game in broad daylight. I was even surfaced. And I sank it easily (minus dodging defending destroyers and cruisers). One addition I would like to see is the addition of Japanese planes actually attacking. Whether from carriers, or, if the patrol zone is closer to Japan, then from the sky. This would incorporate the use of the anti aircraft gun on your sub, instead of it just being there and us not being able to use it.

    4) Decoys. Decoys were a staple of submarine warfare of that time, so maybe and additional button for us to launch decoys in case we get swarmed too heavily by Japanese ships would be a plus.

    Otherwise, awesome game.
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  • Please fix

    Love this game a ton and play it all the time, the only reason I stopped playing was because when I set a certain depth, the sub went down but when I tried to re-surface it would not do anything. It’s a glitch maybe? Please fix
  • On the verge of greatness.

    Game play is very good, aided by good graphics and sound.

    Launchable counter measures, oil slick and debris decoys, and more specific, more limited, more targeted missions could improve the experience.

    The only major software glitch is frequent uncommanded, instant, excursions below test depth or to the surface, both of which happen at the least opportune moments.
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