Not Real Time
Response from developer
Hai Lya.e, good morning. We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced, for further checking due verification, please contact our customer centre via 0804-1500327 with operational hour 07:00 - 20:00 WIB. ~tk
tidak sinkron
No English!!
Response from developer
Hi ajjpomkna, thank you for your review and appreciation. We apologize for the inconvenience, Digibank by dbs indonesia application is only available for the Indonesian version . ~asp
Can’t register.
Response from developer
Hi h3wid, we apologize for the inconvenience, for further checking regarding your problem, because data verification is required, please contact our customer service center via live chat or telephone at 0804-1500327 with service hours 07:00-20:00 WIB. ~asp
Cool Mobile Banking App in The World
Response from developer
Hi Botakseng thank you for your appreciation,please use digibank and enjoy our offer ~dwa
Lambat dan bikin hp restart
Response from developer
Hai seabllia, terima kasih atas saran yang kamu berikan, kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamananannya. Mohon informasikan kendala kamu melalui fitur chat di aplikasi digibank atau dengan menghubungi 0804 1500 327 untuk pengecekan lebih lanjut dikarenakan diperlukan proses verifikasi data. Sebagai informasi, layanan Customer Centre DBSI saat ini dari pukul 07:00 – 20:00 WIB. ~vn
Crashed and login failures
Response from developer
Hi Krishna MKR, we apologize for the inconvient, for further investigation regarding your issue, please kindly need your assistant to contact our DBSI Customer Centre via live chat on digibank's application, or by calling our hotline at 0804-1500327 due to data verification. For information, our Hotline's Services hour from 07:00 to 20:00 WIB. ~dwa
Can't transfer to bca account
No QRIS Payment
Digital Bank yg tdk dimanage secara Digital
Pertama buka melalui aplikasi di IOs, setelah mengisi semua data, diberikan pilihan utk disurvey ke rumah atau datang ke cabang DBS.
Lebih dr 3x mengajukan survey ke rumah, tidak ada kunjungan.
Saya akhirnya mengabaikan anjuran #DiRumaAja dan ke Cabang di Puri Kencana krn tidak pernah disurvey, ternyata di Cabang DBS tidak bisa melayani pembukaan rekening Digibank... aneh sekali. Sy disarankan ke Booth Digibank. Sy tanya dimana? Katanya bisa dilihat di app, sy cek yg terdekat di Grand Indo dan Serpong Mall.
Saya datangi ke GI, gak ada. Sy telpun katanya sdh pindah ke Serpong Mall tp baru ada bulan September????
Bingung ada Digital Bank yg utk buka rekening lbh sudah dp Brick n Mortar Bank😠😩😭