No notifications
I'm not getting notifications. At first it was that I didn't get sounds. So I tried deleting and reinstalling the app. Now it doesn't come up as being able to get any notifications. Defeats the purpose since I am using it for Instagram.
Instagram only?
I totally thought that this would mirror, or at least provide similar functionality to what I have with CoSchedule online :-(
Might work...
CoSchedule is not just an Instagram posting platform. Why on earth they would create an app that only posts to Instagram is beyond me. Doesn't work with the rest of CoSchedule.
Instagram only?
Can't use app because I don't market with Instagram. Please build out the other venues and I will revise my review.
Not what I was hoping for
I was really hoping this would be an app where I could manage my Coschedule calendar from my phone. It's actually Coschedule FOR INSTAGRAM. Not exactly what I need ):
Is this app only for Instagram???
That seems fairly useless, even for a free app.