I hate net nanny. I had to write this review on a document instead on the App Store at first because of the restrictions that Net Nanny give me. Even worse these restrictions weren’t set by my parents. Net Nanny set them. The no Internet thing, my dad got rid of that as soon as he gave started this app for me. It still gives me a internet limit of four hours. Also, the timer runs even when the screen is off. So if I use it in the morning, I don’t have Internet for the rest of the school day. My dad downloaded net nanny on my phone, and on my computer so I can’t even do school work for the 2 last periods of school. The worst part, the last 2 periods are lunch (I can’t use my phone for communication or entertainment) and English ( the only important subject I have this semester) net nanny also sometimes just stops the NN Child app from working and sends me a notification to restart the app when clicked. But the clicking doesn’t work. I still don’t have internet access after. Every time my internet access ends, I will message my dad to give me more but net nanny also sometimes blocks the messages app. Since NN is an app in your phone or computer, VPNs also don’t work. It also automatically blocks social media apps and websites so I can’t use discord, google chat, instagram, for any communication. Even worse, my friends use Google chat and Instagram. My school uses Instagram for clubs and teams. and I need discord for two of my classes for group project work. I was also blocked from Google classroom even and my dad had to manually unblock it. it seems like NN’s idea child protection is to just block Internet completely. I also get an anxiety whenever I have to tell someone that there is a parental controls app monitoring me. About the parental app, I asked my dad to fix all of this and he did but it did not update on my side so this app being existant is proof that humanity is going downhill. Overall, it is very annoying to use for both my parents and me I wish any other app to monitor me. My entire social life is decimated by this one app, for a ninth grader, that is a big deal. I have Let down my friends multiple times because of the restrictions this gives. Anyways I hate this app and I hope this app dies and gets sent to the deepest depths of hell to rot.
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