User Reviews: Notch Pioneer

Top reviews

  • Realtime recording doesn’t work on the background

    I have been using this app for a research project and need to record for about an hour and extract data afterwards. It is almost impossible to download such a recording if I record it on the sensors, so, realtime recording is the only option for me. But it only works when app is active and and the screen is on ALL the time. It is a major problem when you have to use other apps too. This problem eventually led us to buy another device.
  • I'd love some notches

    I'm not sure about the name. It doesn't bring to my mind what the system does- calling it just "an app" is disingenuous because it's nothing without the notches. (Why I have I then I don't know)

    A reviewer asked how to get the notches- for iPhone, scroll down to "web support" and you'll connect directly with what you need. September 2, 2020 US prices are $279/3, $478/6. Forgive me if you catch this between posting and correcting any mistakes if I made any.

    I have a good eye for how I'd like to help people with their position skiing, on bikes, dancing (classes) and even running but can only do my own corrections in dance based on anatomy. Biking and skiing have to be how it feels and that's not as effective. If these gave me eyes elsewhere, yay!

    But right now the widgets are pricey. Too many of us aren't earning enough, especially if we (me) didn't get their self-employ launched before cancer and Covid-19. A short rental may be nice - or just add temptation.
  • Yoga at home with Notch sensors is a revelation!

    After gyms and yoga studios closed I found myself struggling with replacing my conventional yoga practice with instructor with the alternatives. Usual yoga videos on the internet are inherently lacking feedback of my asana forms that in the long term can cause injuries if I am doing it incorrectly. So I wanted to avoid that. There are live classes available now via Zoom but this approach has two huge drawbacks: one - using my webcam is not a comfortable option if it is not people I know; and the second issue is that even the instructor will look at the screen trying to help you and provide correction, they only see your body from one angle.
    I got a YogaNotch kit as a present few months ago and loved using it during the trips to remote places where finding yoga studio is problematic.
    When pandemic started, and my favorite yoga studio closed for many months, YogaNotch became my savior in organizing my exercise routines, in guiding me during the class, correcting my postures, and inspiring me to do more and better. After three months, it has become a habit, part of daily routine.
    I am very impressed with the tech support of the company: they respond quickly and substantially to my queries.
    I would highly recommend this new Notch product to yoga enthusiasts!
  • Looks great, but how do I get notches?

  • Excellent Product

    Great MoCap system that doesn’t rely on confined space. App is easy to use navigate and works really well with notch capture system

    Developer Response

    Hi Kate! We're glad to hear you like working with the Notch Pioneer App and motion sensors. Thank you!
  • Where are my notches?

    No one has responded to any of my emails. I’m starting to think this is a scam

    Edit 2/1/19: I got my notches in the mail a few weeks ago. I bought 3 sets (18). I’ve been extremely busy with work so I’ve only had a few chances to experiment with them. I have a problem with two of the 18 notches not functioning well. Notch responded pretty fast to my email and set up a Skype call to see if they could walk me through resetting them with the app. We weren’t able to so I’ve been sent an address in New York to send those two back to be fixed or replaced. I might still be able to reset them myself if I can find a device with a newer Android device. I have an Iphone X.

    Have to say it was great to actually have a video conference tech support call. I didn’t expect that.

    I’m not a tech-savvy person or even a health or fitness professional; just someone who likes to experiment with gadgets. These are very fun to experiment with and very well designed. They come in “docks” of 6 notches. They are plastic triangular sensors a bit bigger than the size of a quarter and about the thickness of four or five quarters I would guess. You press on them to turn them on and they blink blue. The dock is used to charge them Via usb and to calibrate them. Once paired with the app and calibrated you can attach them in different configurations on yourself and precisely measure all kinds of body movements.

    They come with different size, adjustable elastic straps that you can put on your arms, wrists, legs, ankles, waist, chest, hips or head. I guess you can put it anywhere you can put the straps on. The straps have a plastic holder that you snap each sensor into. After you choose a configuration from the app (such as head and arm or arms, chest, and legs) the sensors each turn a different color. On the app it shows you where on your body to connect each color. I put on all the straps on first. I think there’s six or seven in each set. Two small ones for wrists and ankles, slightly larger ones for arms and legs, and the largest for chest, waist and hips.

    Once I had the straps on and adjusted them a bit, I snapped each sensor into it’s holder. When I got 15 of them on I reminded myself of a Christmas tree. The first time I recorded my movement for the max of 4 minutes. When I tried to download it onto the app after recording it never finished. I went back to just a two sensor configuration and started with 10 second recordings. They immediately downloaded. Then you play your recording and see the crash test dummy version of yourself replicating your movements in a seemingly accurate manner. For each body part it shows you the flexion and extension in exact degrees. I can see how this would be helpful to trainers, health professionals, ergonomics experts, etc (or inventors and gadget junkies like me).

    They seem to be completely open source and developer friendly. If you know how to do that stuff I guess you can use their api to create all sorts of useful applications. Their developer that Skyped me said they were developing a yoga app amongst many others. That should be interesting. It will also be interesting all the different apps and uses that other people will come up with. Putting these tools in the hands of a wider DIY community will help spur apps and innovations with widespread health applications.

    The app is pretty user friendly. I strapped 12 of them on and put my work clothes over them and screwed around. I left them on for the rest of the day and pretty much forgot about them because they are comfortable and unobtrusive for the most part. Everything seems well designed and made of quality materials. The bands stayed on and were comfortable. The notches were easy to pop in. A tiny bit tougher to pop out. Especially if you need to use one hand to pop one off the other arm without taking the band off. The plastic holders have three protruding sides, one holding each side of the triangular sensor. I found the best way for me to do it with one hand was to put a finger on one edge and another finger on another edge and pull back towards my body while pushing the sensor out away from my body with my thumb at the same time. And doing this over a table or something else that will catch the sensor if it jumps out of the holder too fast.

    All this is only after playing with them a few times. Hopefully I have time soon to experiment with them more. I was worried after not getting my notches when I thought they were supposed to come and then again after not getting any response to my email for a few days. I left that first, “I didn’t get my notches” review with one star. I edited it and changed it to five stars now (even though I’m waiting to fix an issue with two of them) just based off of the coolness factor, how well the quality of the product appears to be and especially the great developer support. I’ll try to update again once I get more time with them.
  • Convenient and fast

    If you are used to using old school reflective dot mocap technology where you have to go to a special place with expensive cameras and put on a Lycra suit, the Notch sensors and app will be a revelation. I can record anyone, anywhere, any time I want. There is a learning curve to getting the sensors set up and calibrated in the beginning but once you get the hang of it, set up takes just minutes. The process works more smoothly if you start with the iOS app, rather than Android, though an updated Android app will be out soon.

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