User Reviews: Apple Health

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  • No way to restore deleted Fitness Activity

    I don’t know why you guys charge so much for iCloud backup if you are not storing useful information. I accidentally deleted all the history for my fitness workouts and there is apparently no way to restore it. Years of paying you guys for iCloud back up feels like a waste of money. No one does encrypted backup to a physical device anymore. Just like with photos, when you delete a photo, there is an option to restore the deleted photo before permanently deleting it off the app, there should be an option to restore deleted fitness workouts data in this app. I am so frustrated. I have used all Apple devices and have been heavily relying on the health app and fitness app as one should be able to and losing all this data and being told there’s no way to restore it even though it should clearly be getting backed up to the cloud storage that I pay for is just beyond ridiculous. Apple has the data somewhere, but the fact that no one is able help me get it back is not acceptable. I’ve been a loyal Apple customer and I can see the data is there, you guys just don’t have an option to restore which should be an easy fix. You clearly state that the data is collected so why can’t it be restored? I need someone to help me with this because it does not make sense that there’s no way. There has to be a way to restore accidentally deleted fitness workouts data.
  • If only

    If only Apple would hire people who lived in the real world instead of a lot of interns to work on something so important as a health app. Look at all the negative reviews, in typical Apple style they ignore every one of them, they don't care because they don't understand what they're doing. Like almost every Apple product (and I blame them because this app is baked into their phones) they present you with a limited number of choices that make you do it their way. Take for example the medications section-you can't even enter simple things like that you take a pill when you wake up or after meals (per doctor's orders). You are forced to enter a specific time and then they want to send you an alarm that you missed your meds. You HAVE to enter a time because that's what their Dummies Guide to Programming tells them to do. My doctor calls for an irregular schedule for some meds, nope Apple won't let you do that. That makes that feature 100% useless to me. Please hire professionals and ASK real people for feedback to correct your mistakes!
  • 3.5 stars- good,needs improvements

    i mostly use it for cycle tracking and headphone volume and mood check in things, which is cool im actually kinda fascinated by the volume stuff. (just realized i should include im trans lol, i get a period but i'm not a girl :P)

    imo there are a couple problems with the cycle tracking. i like the symptoms stuff but i think you should be able to type it in yourself. also i skipped a period and as a result had a 54-day cycle, and it threw off the cycle predictions. it wont let me input that i skipped a period, so my data is off now for idk how much longer. it's frustrating :(

    also, with the mood checkins, you should be able to type in how you're feeling in addition to selecting things, like i almost always feel different/more intense things than what's offered. i would greatly appreciate being able to type there.
    if you cant do that, at least add some more feelings, and try to be inclusive of trans and neurodivergent people who feel different things than "normal" people. like for trans inclusivity maybe add feelings of Dysphoria or Self-Disliking(not hatred though). idk thats just something that isn't available atm that i would appreciate.

    other than that i don't really know what to say but i think it's a helpful app in a lot of ways.
    though you could definitely add a section where you could just kinda vent on like a note page or something.

    thanks for reading my ted talk lol
  • One Veteran

    Now that the VA has a new app, SMHD, to share health data. It has improved, but not perfected, sharing of personal health data among healthcare providers. There are still many providers, and multiple patient portal services, that do not easily interface with APPLE HEALTH. The app needs better report functions to permit downloading and printing data and summaries that can be shared with specialist providers. My cardiologist and my nephrologist are pleased to get what related data I can forward to them to help round out their picture of me. It gives them more confidence than a one-off snapshot of my vitals taken during an office appointment. It also allows telehealth consultations to have more basis for presumptive care decisions. With the increasing availability of home health monitoring technologies, tools, and associated apps, we have better data such as O2Sats, BP, AFIB, Blood Glucose; and therefore early warning of health issues. More effort needs to be put into collecting, correlating, and reporting pertinent data to our healthcare providers.
  • Terrible analytics & data accessibility

    The app layout and functionality is AWFUL. It’s difficult to navigate and find what you’re looking for. Graphs and charts don’t have axes. And what’s wrong with line charts for time series data??? There’s no way to customize charts. It’s extremely difficult to find, download and analyze your data. Spent an hour on google searching how best to do this. Only way is to download ALL metrics combined in an XML file that requires a lot of manual manipulation to structure it into a usable format. HealthKit seems promising but only if you want to create an app for anyone to download from Apple Store. What about my own personal app (eg. a Power BI report) with real time health data (and only because this Health app is so awful!)? I’m really reluctant to download third party apps due to lax data privacy and security for most apps. PLEASE Apple, allow us to take control of and own our data in a more accessible and secure way!! If this option is already available via HealthKit, then this needs to be more clearly communicated.
  • User needs ability to add medical records

    The app is a very good start, but it needs some additional options.

    I turned off all the fitness stuff that is a waste of time to me and the doctors. I just use the daily vitals gathered from BP, Heart, and O2 device apps.

    The main reason I have for using this app is to consolidate medical records and heath data into a single, shareable, source, so that I can provide that data quickly and accurately to all providers of my health care that need to know.

    When you see a provider. Time is very limited. Trying to remember, convey, and for them to correctly record, that important past history is an area where most mistakes occur. This mis-information, or the lack of important information, waste valuable time and money when those things really matter the most.

    Some heath providers don’t use Apple Health and this void in critical information creates gaps in the overall knowledge needed to make accurate and meaningful diagnoses of the true root cause of a medical condition.

    Please provide users with the ability to add documentation and complete medical data.

    I can understand keeping user inputs separate from data gathered from the providers, but at least make it an available option. This would take this app to a whole new level of efficiency and usability.
  • This is ridiculous!

    This was working good for a while. But for the last week or two weeks it’s been saying I walked twice as many miles than I really did. But what really upsets me is the lack of customer support that I am getting from Apple! I text Apple and they couldn’t help me over text so someone had to call me the next day. I don’t know why they don’t have a department who can help me with this through chat. Anyways, I talked to this person over the phone yesterday and they said to update my phone. I did that and I’m still having the same problem. Last night I text Apple about this again to set up another call for 2 o’clock on Saturday. But 2 o’clock came and I received no call. So I text Apple about it. They said no one will be available to help me with this until 2 PM October 7. First of all why wasn’t I told last night that Saturday meant October 7 and not today? Second of all why in the world do I have to wait a whole week for this to get fixed. Absolutely ridiculous Apple!!!!
  • Apple Health Dissatisfaction

    This application has never met my expectations. I’ve given it chance after chance to prove me wrong, but I always come to the conclusion that the aesthetics do not meet functionality. Case in point, I have the watch so I choose cycle, do roughly 8 miles and end the workout to see that it shows I have moved 0 ft. My evaluation changed hundreds of feet though. These things happen regularly and quite frankly it’s disappointing because apple has always performed well with the most pointless apps like FB, Twitter, and Instagram. Living in modern times and no being able to track distance for a workout is extremely below the mark. The funniest part about it is that it doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing Siri is always available and listening. I know I’ve went on a bit of a long winded spill, but these things are unacceptable for the prices we pay for the equipment that continues not to deliver. My suggestion is to try other approaches if you enjoy tracking your activities.
  • Terrible Graphics and Not Customizable

    Please hire someone who is familiar with how to present data graphically in an appropriate way. Your graphs have no labels on the axis so it’s impossible to actually understand visually at a quick glance. And for the love of god use a simple line graph to represent continuous data over time. I really want to use and like the graphs but it’s so hard to understand when I went to sleep and woke up at a quick glance or understand my heart rate over time without clicking on every data point due to lack of labels. Additionally, let me customize which metrics I want to view on the main dashboard and the particular order. I already know when I’m going to get my period (a lot of women do! If you’d ask us and not assume, you’d know this!) so I don’t need that listed first (also at most it’s only relevant like a week of the month anyway)! I want my daily step count front and center, followed by sleep and heart rate. From each metric I’d like to click into the graphic representation over time, not scroll through a bunch of confusing graphs all on the main page. Take a hint from the Fitbit app! PLEASE improve this so I can justify buying an Apple Watch over my old beloved Fitbit that was sooo much better at displaying my health metrics.
  • Missing important data for medication’s

    When you start using the app to track your medication‘s, the one thing I noticed is that there’s no option to actually put the real start date of when you started taking that medication. That’s important information as it shows the time period that you’ve been taking it. The app only lets you choose the day that you start entering the medication information and does not let you put in the correct date, which in my case could be a few years. It automatically defaults the day that you start entering the medication information. Otherwise, I like all the available information in the app as it makes it easy for me to provide new doctors with my health history. It also allows me to search previous information when consulting with my current doctors.

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