InPulse gives a heart beat or BPM to anything that is the color red.
No joke try it out if you have something red, put it near your camera and it’s gonna say it has a heartbeat or a BPM last time I checked a red plate or a red crayon does not have a heartbeat or BPM.
No joke this is upsetting. There are some old people that put trust into things like this because they needed it. And yet you’re out here making them pay for an app that isn’t even giving them accurate information.
These are the questions I wanna ask to the developers:
Why publish this app if it’s going to lie to people?
Why make a premium that’s just still going to lie to people?
How much money do you make off the people that actually pay for the premium?
(or in a general sense how much money do you make from the app?)
How are you getting your information about the heartbeat or BPM.
(Because like I stated before, anything that is the color red will make it start showing a heartbeat or BPM including inanimate objects red paper a red plastic bowl, a red ceramic bowl and a red plate yes those are things. I’ve actually used to test the app.)
Ps: sorry for rambling on, but I’m just curious. this ain’t right listen if you know better do better don’t scam people