User Reviews: Xtreet Parking

Top reviews

  • Mediocre UI and greedy location requirements

    There's no good reason to require location access even when the app is closed, and it refuses to load is you select "only while using".

    Also, I don't like that the map refreshes on every movement. It's awkward and hard to use.
  • Multiple design issues

    This app has a lot of problems:

    1. It REQUIRES knowing your location 24/7 and will not run otherwise. Totally unacceptable. This app is a glorified way to lookup information on a map and has no reason whatsoever to need constant location information. At most it needs to have location information while the app is running. However, the app will display a warning if 24/7 location info is not turned on and refuse to work. Why on earth does the app refuse to work without 24/7 data? Are you tracking me and selling the data? Very suspicious.

    2. Similarly, the app requires notifications to be turned on and will refuse to function if it’s not enabled. Again, there’s no reason that this can’t work without notifications, and when it refuses to work without them I feel like it’s not respecting my boundaries. It’s like a friend that comes into your home, and you tell them “please take your shoes off”, and they just stand there and say that they won’t talk to you or do anything unless they keep them on. Very disrespectful and unnecessary! I should be able to decide to disable notifications as I please without this stupid app throwing an unnecessary hissy fit.

    3. This app suffers from a very prescriptive design. You literally can’t note that you’ve parked somewhere unless you’re actually standing there. This is dumb. I should be able to park, walk one block home, then note where I parked. Instead, the app does not allow this and instead just notes that I’m parked wherever is closest to where I currently am. I don’t think that the developers even tried to see how a normal person would actually use this in the real world and are instead just programming it towards the idea of a real world driver they have in their heads.

    I now will delete this app because the 24/7 location info and overall pushy behavior is a deal killer for me.
  • Some updates please

    It’s great overall to see the street sweeping, but i always try to tag my car from my apartment which is usually blocks away, and the app only allows you to park based on my gps location. It would be helpful to pick any street and pin my car there as parked regardless of my gps location.
  • Used to be great but stopped working

    Is anyone doing bug updates to this app? Can’t even touch on different streets now to see what the parking restrictions are. It’s just stuck on one street. And the parking sensor shows me as parked across the street.
  • App reloads every time I move the map

    Let me move the map where I want and when I click a street, then load the info

    Hard to use otherwise

    Also would love to be able to search for “streets near me with cleaning 1st and 3rd Monday” for example
  • Great app

    Helped me to avoid street cleaning ticket. Would give it 5stars but want to evaluate more.
  • Location required to run app... why?

    This app REQUIRES you to disclose your location to use it - as standard even when you’re not using the app. Why? I can easily enter a street or an address...
  • Great Idea, Terrible Execution

    Much worse than the previous incarnation of this app. You can only mark your car as "parked" if you are at the location where your car is located.

    And it's difficult to find out parking information (street cleaning times, for example ) for addresses other than the one where you are located. Well I can easily find that out myself. I can look at the signs.

    Also, residential parking permit areas are not incorporated into the app which is a huge oversight. Following the app's "ok to park here" you could easily get a ticket for parking more than the specified time in a residential parking permit area.

    Essentially worthless app.
  • Don’t waste your time

    It simply doesn’t work. Useless
  • Requires always on

    For location services. This app can track your location even when you are not using it.
    Cannot pin an address other than exactly where you are.


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