Total Battle User Reviews

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  • Fun, but expensive to be competitive

    There are lots of simple fun activities in the game and an ability to join clans and connect with people. However, it is obvious you will just be frustrated if you don’t pay to pay. Developers continue to respond that the game is free to play, but either it takes you so long to do anything or you can’t get/find the gear you need, there just aren’t good ways to be competitive with spending a lot of money. Contrast this to a console game, which typically have way better graphics and game mechanics, but you pay a onetime fee for the, typically $50-$100, but then you get to play unlimited. Mobile app developers have found a way to milk too much money out of people, but I’m sure the trend will turn back around. Spending $100-$300/wk on a mobile game (or any game) is ridiculous other than for the rich with money to burn.
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    Developer Response

    We understand your concerns. In-game purchases are optional and should not be a requirement to enjoy the game. We continuously strive to improve the balance between free and paid content for a better gaming experience.
  • Fun Game but They do not get back with you if you have any problems with purchases

    I love this game so much that it’s something I have spent more money on than I care to admit. However I have had purchases fail to give me what I bought but they still took my money just fine. I reached out to the support team and they do not reply! Also when you revive your troops they often pop back up and you have to revive them twice using your resources which go quickly enough as is. There are other glitches in the game such as completing crypts but not receiving clan chest for them. I’m going to finish my month out since I purchased the triumphant rewards package but I’m probably quitting afterwards! Word of advice this game is addictive and you will be tempted to spend your money and they don’t play fair! They take your money but don’t deliver on their end! I prefer to not send money to someone that can’t take the time to say hey I’m sorry about that let me make this right for you.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with your purchases and the lack of response from our support team. We understand your frustration and we are committed to resolving this issue for you. Please provide us with the number of your request to Support and we will make sure to rectify the situation and improve your overall gaming experience.
  • SCAM! Do not pay and play! War against your money!

    This company uses every manipulation to get your cash until you figure out the scam. They let you play until they decide that if you complain about the glitches or ask to many questions and then they lock you out of your account. They have moderators (Employees) that monitor the game. If you spend money you get extra attention. They will help you advance and provide advice to encourage spending money. It really gets boring and repetitive after 3 months. They have something called “the curse of the king”. As soon as you are elected they disappear. Most likely to start over with some new pay for play. Luckily Apple support is extremely helpful and will give full refunds on purchases after a locked account for up to 60 days. Total Battle has no support staff only bots. You get a standard AI response to any complaint. I guarantee they will respond here with an AI response. Reality is they respond but do absolutely nothing. My guess is the 14,000 positive reviews on here are AI generated. My advice is stick to playing with your friends online. You will need at least $2000 to get anywhere on this game. So…..BUYER BEWARE !
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    Developer Response

    We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced while playing Total Battle. We assure you that our support team is comprised of real people dedicated to assisting players. If you have any specific issues or questions, please provide more details so we can address them properly and improve your gaming experience.
  • Fun and Addictive…BUT!

    I find Total Battle a rather addictive, fun and satisfying from the norm, game to play. I understand that games are created to make money, however, when a player such as myself decides to take that journey on just have yet to see the return on my investment. I think players who wholeheartedly support the game should be rewarded in kind. I just have not gotten that feeling from this game. I have made many lifelong friends from around the world, but I still feel when a company has players who don’t mind supporting the game and provide a substantial investment, the developers should reward those individuals for such support.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you for checking out our strategy game. We are happy that you enjoy playing. We wish you to defeat every enemy on your way.
  • Fun initially, descends into tedium unless you pay up.

    The free part is limited and the fun is exhausted within an hour. Then the game falls into tedium of trying to research and upgrade weapons by fighting monsters near your city for experience. Unfortunately, your army is worthless, and you can only attack things that are weak which yield so little experience you will get nowhere unless you pay up $100 for the experience points needed. There are plenty of great games on Steam that are half that one time and you can play all you want.

    Then there are other players that are apparently not concerned with flushing hundreds of good dollars down this toilet that come and sack your city, setting you back, killing your troops and stealing your resources. Unless you are willing to pay more to get back. Paying my way through a game is not my idea of fun. No stars!
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    Developer Response

    Dear player, thanks for playing our strategy game! We recommend you join an active player-created clan. That would allow you to collect many free gifts and get your allies' help. There are multiple ways to get all you need to progress for free. Please give our game another go. Our Support will provide you with all the necessary information should you ask them for help.
  • Money Hungry Company!

    Great Game but money hungry, Cash greedy developers. I’ve spent around $300 on this game and I’m about 5M Might. The developer says join a clan but I’m in the highest ranked clan of my Kingdom with around 700 Chests per day and while that’s very helpful I’m still hit with many times where I just don’t have enough of something. Not enough speedups, Not enough Valor, Not enough gold. Not enough stone, But hey always presented with the option to spend more real money to get each of those things which are strategically placed in different packages. Then if you buy a $4.99 package your presented with an offer with larger quantity of the same items for a higher price. Or the limited offers with countdown timers that when expires just resets again. It’s all mind games and psychology of humans they are manipulating. This game is just too expensive to really play! Then I start looking at other Kingdoms with 5 Billion might for single player and realize you would either have to spend a decade playing this game or like $10,000 to be one of the top players of the game.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Our game is free to play. However, there are some features in paid access. Each player decides whether to pay them or not. Please remember that there are free ways to get the necessary items. We recommend you join an active clan to understand the game with the help of experienced users and gain access to many clan gifts.
  • Easy to learn all the complex strategies

    The tutorial walks you through as you play in the beginning and you can veer off and do your own thing only to come back and have it lead you if you like with following the prompts. I recommend following the prompts in the beginning because it sets you up to not loose as much inventory on things not needed at that moment to advance in the game. Very similar to other strategy type games such as Evony, so you enjoy playing that game then you will for sure love this game but there are things that make this game unique in its own right that you won’t find in other games such as the puzzle feature and chapter narrative setup.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you for your positive feedback! We are pleased that you are satisfied with the application!
  • Believe the bad Reviews

    First if you want to get ahead in this game you won’t be able to unless you PAY. Pay crazy amounts of money for things that don’t help you much. And even if you paid thousands of dollars for this game you still wouldn’t catch to players who have been playing for months. It would be a good game if certain levels were only allow to attack same level players but it’s not its players who have spent a lot of money attacking players who haven’t spent any money. Theres a reason only 12k people have downloaded this vs 3 million who have downloaded something like the clash of clans app. If this game used brackets and levels allowing them to only attack players who have the same levels then it would be decent at best. And to level up anything whether your city, weapons, captains will literally take you months and you will still get no where unless you spend money.

    Save your time and money and download a game where everyone has a real chance to grow and upgrade because this is NOT the game. And if you see “support” responding to these reviews DO NOT believe what they say trust me it’s all lies, it’s just run around talk!!
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    Developer Response

    We apologize for any frustration caused. While it is true that some players choose to make in-app purchases to progress faster, it is not necessary to spend money to enjoy the game or compete with others. We have a fair matchmaking system in place that takes into account player levels and resources. We encourage you to give it another try and explore the different strategies available to succeed.
  • Entertaining game

    An entertaining game with a few operating glitches. Most notably that sometimes you will be charged for the free in game purchases. Although it is a small amount it adds up over time and is deceitful. Also the other day I was charged ten times the cost of the in game purchase. Reaching out to Apple is useless. “All sales are final” they say. Reaching out to the game development team is equally fruitless. The first technician said it was impossible and then never returned my email correspondence. Another attempt to reach out to developers was answered “we will contact you shortly”. Well that was a week ago.
    I would think they would want to resolve this issue with the game. In my opinion it is theft. Other issues of note are that the in game chat is sometimes not working as it should. Game has normal lag issues most games have from time to time.
    If the in game purchase problem is resolved. It is a good game. Note that I have talked to several people in the game and it seems to be a problem only with IOS system users.
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    Developer Response

    We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced with the in-game purchases and the lack of response from our team. We take these issues seriously and would like to resolve them for you. Please provide us with your in-game username and the details of the specific purchases so that we can investigate and provide a solution. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  • Fun Game but Frustrating with Other Players

    I’ve been playing this game for two weeks and was enjoying it. I even bought some upgrades to advance even quicker. However, one aspect of the game that can ruin your experience is against other players.

    Part of how you advance in the game is by attacking other players to gain a certain type of experience points. However, many players have Rules of Engagement, which state that if you attack them, they will send their most powerful clan members to attack you back. These players may be 100x stronger than you and can crush days worth of your time and effort in 30 seconds. It’s incredibly frustrating and is confusing as to how you are supposed to attack other players when the playing field can be so incredibly skewed towards those who have likely spent hundreds of dollars and hours playing.
    That being said, as fun as this game has been, I’m ready to call it quits.
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    Developer Response

    We appreciate your dedication and the time you've spent in the game. We understand the challenges you've faced with the Rules of Engagement and the frustrations it may cause. Your feedback is crucial for our ongoing improvements. If you ever decide to return or have further suggestions, feel free to reach out. Thank you for being a part of our community.

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