Total Battle User Reviews

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  • Not only pay to play but bad service

    I spent over 170$ usd in the last week and a half only to not get chest and be told the entire list of kingdoms rules … threatened by people from other countries to be kicked opened a ticket posting my bank statements saying I was screwed out from what I purchased only to hear *crickets* it’s worse than game of war and by my math if you spent every waking second on the game in a clan would probably take 11 years before you could defend yourself from a new player that spends a few hundred /thousand dollars … wanna loose money and have rules strict like China then welcome home , this is not a fair game and not fun … I just wish I could get the time and money I spent in last few weeks mins you my kingdom is lvl 23 hero lvl 30-40 .. no thanks real life calls ! Look around this is not gunna work as a whole and these f’d game developers cash grab and toss people …
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  • Game is a ripoff.

    Money money money Everything about this game revolves around you spending money. They advertise it as a free to play game. Yet in order to participate in the game or even to protect yourself from getting utterly wasted, you need to spend money. “Premium” is $5 usd per week. 260/yr. and you get to swap gear and translate messages, tho the translation is inaccurate. In order to be “competitive” in the game, you have to spend 250/wk on special mercenaries, and that’s after 6months of spending that kind of money to grow an army size that can be competitive. 12,000/year. To play the game. Yet you get 0 return from customer support on the developers fixing issues within the game. You have to use an outside chat service bc the one they advertise as having doesn’t work. They perform maintenance in the middle of major events, they don’t answer your questions to support for 3-5 days. And again, only way to be competitive and grow to be competitive is spending in the neighborhood of 250/wk if you spend 50 for a package, they will offer the same package for 100 for a week to 10 days. It’s the same thing, yet double the price. It almost feels criminal the way this company operates.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for such a detailed feedback! It will help us to define the direction of the next improvements.
  • Fun and Addictive…BUT!

    I find Total Battle a rather addictive, fun and satisfying from the norm, game to play. I understand that games are created to make money, however, when a player such as myself decides to take that journey on just have yet to see the return on my investment. I think players who wholeheartedly support the game should be rewarded in kind. I just have not gotten that feeling from this game. I have made many lifelong friends from around the world, but I still feel when a company has players who don’t mind supporting the game and provide a substantial investment, the developers should reward those individuals for such support.
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  • Terrible customer follow up/communication.

    I will update this review when support follows up.

    First the good:

    The graphics are decent and artwork is rich.
    If you play find a good clan, follow roe and you should have a lot of fun!
    The chat system in game leaves quite a bit to be desired.
    While the game is fun, the goal of the business offering the game is to make $$$ money. With that in mind the game is more fun if you have some $$$ to spend on it.
    The events that the game offers ensures there is always something to do :).

    THe BAD/ Unprofessional.
    I was without warning/announcement blocked from the game. My friends in the same clan as I said they received a message stating I was removed from the game due to account activity.
    I have been active for weeks and this week spent $150 on Mercs/silver for the Ragnorak event.
    There has been no communication, no email explaining a reason to my registered email.
    For a service based business to do this is very nonprofessional and if not sorted out soon comes across as a scam/ploy to cheat people out of there progress and $$$. I hope it is a simple mistake, I have spent hundreds of dollars and dozens of hours to reach the level I’m at and help grow with the clan I’m in.

    K114 IbraumGaunt
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    Developer Response

    Dear player, we are sorry to hear about your experience with the Support. Could you please specify the number of your request to Support, so we can check its status?
  • Money Trap

    I have been playing Total Battle for since mid August of 2023. My journey has been a fairly fun ride and enjoyable ride. The kingdoms have a set of rules of engagement that expected, demanded and enforced by these extremely powerful players that become kings of the player kingdoms. Of course this game has several different events that are enjoyable too if you have the right troops for, this is the game developers trap! In order to enjoy these events the developers offer different packages that can be purchased for $100 dollars or $50 price points. These packages can and bring your game to certain growths, these are great and can be fun too. Until, you reach a certain growth point and level and are identified as being a successful player. Then everything that you physically pay towards the buying of these event packages can be taken away by people from around the world that do not obide by the RoE that is emplaced and that is enforced the aforementioned king or by the community that has to vote for him. The game has several exploits that these players can control, and there absolutely zero recourse for the recovery of your investment into the game by the support staff.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for such a detailed feedback! It will help us to define the direction of the next improvements.
  • It’s fun but expensive

    This game is a lot of fun it’s very addicting. There are so many features, and so much to learn. The community of other players are fun and gracious. That said it’s very expensive to play. There are other games out there that are not as bad maybe they don’t have the same features, but they have similar but cost less. I know I know you don’t have to pay to play, but let’s be real. If you’re going to advance in any way where you can play it functionally every day you’re gonna need to make purchases and that’s the way this game is set up. When you attack or other people attack you the loss of resources is rather significant and unless you’re gonna do one or two attacks a day you’re gonna need to purchase more resources. I think that’s the biggest drawback of this game because there are other games out there that are just as fun and you can play them every day and go a month without spending money. This is balanced the other way.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for such a detailed feedback! It will help us to define the direction of the next improvements.
  • Great Game

    Total Battle is a great game! There are a couple of matters that should be looked at, and adjusted. Every kingdom has player created and enforced rules of engagement. If one chooses not to abide by the rules of engagement, they subject themselves to being made and “Outlaw.” If one is declared and outlaw, the outlawed player can be attacked repeatedly and relentlessly looted. This looting can be particularly frustrating if the looted player spent a lot of money acquiring items. Gold ingots ought to be convertible to gold coins within individual players castles. Enforcement of taxes should always be a matter of the castles deciding how much contribute to the kingdom, but the ingots should not be otherwise worthless. After a certain level, it becomes very difficult to grow one’s avatar. Requiring Billions of points seems excessive. Overall the game is quite entertaining.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for such a detailed feedback! It will help us to define the direction of the next improvements.
  • Very Expensive

    Cost prohibitive play. For example. You have to revive soldiers lost in “ruthless battle” and the cost is more gold than you could buy with ten dollars for a single event. Yet your hero gets a minuscule amount of valor points. This game pillages your pocket book and rapes your wallet. Good game but no fun because designers got greedy. 👎🏻 It’s a great game, but the designers trying to sell you on a clan are just doing so, because they know peer pressure will cause you to spend even more. This game is great, but unless you are wealthy, you can forget it. It will cost you hundreds of dollars to play. Given the choices out there, there are far cheaper and equally fun ways to entertain myself. As for the 4.5 stars, there are a ton of negative reviews, so I question these review numbers. This game was ruined by pure greed.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Our game is free to play. However, there are some features in paid access. Each player decides whether to pay them or not. Please remember that there are free ways to get the necessary items. We recommend you join an active clan to understand the game with the help of experienced users and gain access to many clan gifts.
  • Make it less time consuming

    I really enjoy playing this game! My problem is with hunting citadels. I wish I had the ability to store what troops and numbers I am using to hunt Elven or cursed citadels and change as I get stronger. Having to set the troop stacks keeps me from playing longer. I wish I had a location in the game to select Elven 30, put in troops types and troop amounts and save. Do that for 4 other citadel types and when I go hunting for Elven 30, select the citadel and troop stack number would be there and just send. If numbers fall below needed my numbers needed it could show that I am missing the numbers needed. That would make it to where I could play longer
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. We will consider it.
  • Company denials are intentionally dismissive

    Everyone who says this game is expensive is telling the truth. The community in the game is a double edged sword. If it weren’t for the other players the game would be a dud. But it’s that loyalty which makes you want to spend money and achieve. You cannot play this game for free without getting progressively frustrated and drop out, it’s just the reality of how the game is designed, and I know plenty of players who try to limit themselves to under $100 per week, which is still difficult. In 8 months it’s easy to max out cards and credit limits in this game. So don’t believe it when the developers say there are ‘ways’ to play that are less expensive. Players have scores in the billions and trillions, and if your player is in the tens of thousands in score, you can quickly see there is no comparison. You spend to advance and win. Bottom line. It’s also addictive because the relationships that develop between players. So buyer beware.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Our game is free to play. However, there are some features in paid access. Each player decides whether to pay them or not. Please remember that there are free ways to get the necessary items. We recommend you join an active clan to understand the game with the help of experienced users and gain access to many clan gifts.

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