WebXR Viewer

WebXR Viewer

An AR Project by Mozilla

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All Versions of WebXR Viewer


May 29, 2020

Version 2.0 of the WebXR Viewer is a complete rewrite of the application, based on the Firefox for iOS source code. The application now implements the official WebXR API, including the accepted and proposed features.


June 5, 2019

This update is focused on fixing stability issues and bug. - The XRViewer keeps ARKit running for a short while between XR session, to allow users to switch between 2D and XR pages without incurring complete ARKit startup times each time they enter an XR session. We have seen issues where this causes problems, so we have changed the XRViewer to reset ARKit more often. - Starting a new session clears out relocalization attempts to prevent immediately getting thrown into "relocalizing" loops - Allow ARKit to automatically relocalize when returning from the background to prevent objects from disappearing after loading the worldMap - Fix bug that caused the permissionLevelButton to become inactive after granting and subsequently denying "Device Motion" access on a WebXR site


May 28, 2019

Bug fixes, including - the page URL should no longer be erased if a page causes an out-of-memory condition - obscure issue resolved that sometimes caused the Permissions page to have a long delay before appearing UI change to hide tracking status on non-XR pages, and when the URL Bar is hidden.


May 20, 2019

This version updates the userAgent string to included "WebXRViewer" and the version number. It also fixes a bug that allowed hit testing to return hits against more than the single plane selected in Lite mode.


May 17, 2019

This version has some performance improvements and bug fixes. Update the splash page to point at the new set of examples.


May 12, 2019

Bug fixes.


May 8, 2019

This version represents a major internal overhaul of the application, in preparation for changes needed to support the official WebXR API when it is finalized. These changes also address some performance issues. While the external behavior has not changed substantially, we have reworked the UI somewhat. The most noticeable change is that starting a WebXR session now requires permission from you before a web page can access the WebXR APIs, offering you an opportunity to provide reduced information about the world as part of the permission request. Detailed Changes: - many bug fixes - removed video and photo capture capabilities, in lieu of the newer iOS built in capabilities - updated the built-in WebXR API to implement most of the older API functionality (no camera image access yet). - Image targets can be tracked now (ARKit 2.0 functionality) - accessing WebXR functionality now asks for user permission, as the official WebXR requires. In particular, entering AR mode now requires permission, as does access information about the world (such as ARKit Planes and Face Meshes), and accessing Camera data (when this is implemented). - permissions (for basic WebXR and world knowledge give the user the option for an "AR Lite" Mode. When selected, the user is asked to pick a plane, and only that plane is made available to the web page. This allows interesting AR application functionality, without exposing the entire structure of the space to the app. The web page does not know if the user is using "AR Lite" mode. - permission can be changed while a web app is running in XR mode - added icon in menu bar to show current permission, and clicking it brings up a permission menu - most of the application has been rewritten in Swift


November 29, 2018

- bug fixes


November 21, 2018

- bug fixes, updated for iOS 12 and ARKit 2.0 - cleaned up preferences so in-app and iOS preferences match - added APIs for using ARKit ARWorldMap - added option to "always allow world sensing access" for a site. Permissions are revoked by resetting all saved sites. -


June 12, 2018

Updated wording on "Access to World Sensing" dialog to make it clearer what is being asked.

Price History of WebXR Viewer

Description of WebXR Viewer

Mozilla’s WebXR Viewer is an augmented reality (AR) viewer that lets you create and run AR experiences built with web technologies and ARKit. This is an experimental product, targeted at developers wanting to develop and test web-based AR applications on iOS. It is not an officially supported Mozilla application. WebXR is a cross-platform Web API for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). We have released the WebXR Viewer to give web developers a chance to experiment with web-based AR experiences on iOS using WebXR, and provide a way for us to get feedback for the WebXR community as it continues to develop AR support in the WebXR specification. The WebXR viewer implements a collection of accepted and proposed WebXR AR API features, and also supports some of the non-standard features we developed for an early version of the WebXR API. Version 2 of the WebXR Viewer is based on the Firefox for iOS source code, so is a much more full-featured web browser. Some of Firefox's features are working (e.g., account sync), while some features are still in development (e.g., send-to-device). Please report problems or feature requests as issues at https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/webxr-ios-js To learn more about the WebXR Viewer and other ways Mozilla is working with the web community to bring augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality to the web, visit https://mixedreality.mozilla.org/
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WebXR Viewer: FAQ

Is WebXR Viewer compatible with iPad devices?

Yes, the software for WebXR Viewer is compatible with iPads.
The WebXR Viewer app was developed by Mozilla Corporation.
The minimum supported iOS version for the app is 12.0.
3.9 out of 5 is the fair rating that WebXR Viewer has received from users.
Utilities Is The App Genre Of The Webxr Viewer App.
The current version of WebXR Viewer is 2.0.
The WebXR Viewer app was last updated on June 28, 2024.
WebXR Viewer was released on February 6, 2023.
Suitable for adults only, contains graphic violence, nudity, or sexual content.
The WebXR Viewer app can be used in English.
No, WebXR Viewer is not part of Apple Arcade.
No, you won't find in-app purchases featured in WebXR Viewer.
No, you cannot utilize WebXR Viewer with Apple Vision Pro.

Screenshots of WebXR Viewer


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Reviews of WebXR Viewer

  • It closes app

    App closes when i tap a link on a webpage. iPhone 15 plus pro iOS 17.0.1
  • no actualizada. infringe tu privacisad

    copia de la original
  • hilarious

    thing couldn’t operate for 1 minute without encountering an error it could not solve and crashing